Today, I suddenly had a whim and wanted to set up a job introduction platform for matterers!

I want to build an online "casual worker platform" here! It is characterized by simple socializing and a warm working environment! Welcome to join us!

I have an idea, because the number of people here is starting to increase, and I also see a lot of talented people ! I really admire it!

A like to all the matterers first! In particular, the builders have added a lot of facilities to this community, so that everyone can live comfortably!

In a community, how can there not be a job agency !

Online work from home is very popular now, can you do something here? It can also add an actual value to likecoin!

I'll start with a simple start! First open a label called " Matt City Job Agency ".

Photo by Riz Mooney on Unsplash

You can post a link to this tag,

You can hire someone. You should first list the job content you are looking for, such as the nature, length of time, salary, etc. I suggest looking for copywriters, painting or programmer jobs here. There should be very high-quality people Apply! Because I see a lot of good works!

It can also be self-recommended to find a job. You can write down your expertise, such as web page creation, various consulting work, you can use any creativity, as long as you sell yourself, in fact, everyone is here to publish articles, paintings, and labor. Wait, I'm already building my own portfolio! If you write well, if everyone has confidence in you, you will be rewarded!

I hope that the salary here will be settled with more likecoins. If you use it more, its intrinsic value can be greatly improved!

I will be the host of this label first! I hope everyone who is interested can share your thoughts with me and make this community even closer!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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PhilipMak博客/三寶爸/業餘投資者 一生追求新知識和不守本份的斜摃中年,不羈放縱愛自由。 開始了網上留下足跡。希望一點一滴改變世界。 個人專頁: 個人matters專頁:
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