Xiao Yunxun shares: My Idol series is unyielding Roberto Baggio

His accolades aren't many, but his passion for football and the level of adoration he deserves are worthy of his life on the pitch.

The first World Cup I had the impression of watching was the World Cup in 1994. At that time, I was deeply attracted by the golden boy of Italy, Baggio. In today's football world, it must be a generation of superstars that are popular all over the world.

The soaring century 12 yards of the 1994 World Cup made him a melancholy spokesperson, and I can still see the back of that loss in my eyes. What fascinated me more about him was his later experience, in the early years of Vicenza, Ferentina, Zuvindas and even AC Milan, I didn't pay much attention to his performance in the club, until He moved to Bologna in the mid-sized class. I started to pay attention to his news. Later, he cut off his iconic ponytail. He also returned to the peak of the lost and ranked third in the top scorer list in Serie A, scoring 22 in the season. Ball, was selected for the Italian team in the 98 World Cup because of his performance.

Bologna period

Later, he faced a low ebb due to his transfer to Inter Milan. Later in his career, he made the final tango in Brescia's jersey. In the end, he played more than 400 games for Serie A and scored more than 200 goals. It is a veritable Italian. golden boy.

It is a pity that he was not selected for the 2002 World Cup. In January of that year, he accidentally torn the cruciate ligament. He quickly recovered Xiao and returned to the court in 76 days. It is believed that his perseverance was called up to the country Unfortunately, it backfired in the end. His miracle of recovery did not win him a World Cup entry. Finally, the last 16 in Italy stopped, and Baggio retired in 2004. With his talent, he has not won many honors, but his passion for football and the degree of love he deserves are worthy of his life on the pitch.

Netflix is presenting Baggio: The Divine Ponytail, a biographical film about Baggio. If you have time, you can watch it and learn about his football life and his journey to Buddhism.

Still handsome with white hair


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