Xi'an's epidemic prevention is terrible, but the Chinese local government is not like the late Qing Dynasty

When I saw an article, although the author scolded it very happily, I felt that many words were not on the point. I wanted to write a little review, but unknowingly I wrote a lot. Posted here to provide a different angle.

Social governance is a very complicated issue. Xi'an has performed poorly, just like Wuhan at the beginning. In fact, neither Xi'an nor Wuhan is a backward city in the whole country. It's not that you don't want to do it. Well, it's a question of governance level. And don’t forget, it’s hard to do this kind of epidemic prevention idea well (this comment is not for whitewashing, I also think Xi’an is not doing well, but I don’t think it’s just that I don’t want to do it well)

The first part involves reference and commentary on history. Although I have reservations, it is not meaningful to simply compare ancient times with modern times, and some such as thought control are not unique to China. This does not expand.

1. About Yicaitong

The development of "One Code Access" is dominated by the local government, and it is inevitable that it is not easy to use. Tencent and Ali can handle the concurrency of huge access, and it is not done overnight. At the earliest time of 1111, Taobao and Alipay did not fail to collapse, while Tencent has been accessing large-scale access for decades since QQ, and these two giants have accumulated The reserves of technology and resources can be said to contain rivals in the world. It is no exaggeration to say that if the central government wants to make a WeChat or Alipay to put control in its own hands, it is basically impossible (12306 could not be solved at the earliest, and finally Ali asked for help). This is why the central government The reason why the government can acquiesce to the continued operation of WeChat and Alipay as de facto public goods.

In the era of big data, data is power. Xi'an's desire to be its own one-yard-pass is not worthy of criticism. As for why not to find Ali and Tencent, the identity restriction is one aspect (the government is very sensitive to transactions with private enterprises), and the asking price of Ali or Tencent itself Probably not too low. In this case, it is almost logical to find the three major operators. But the problem is that the operators themselves do not have this technical strength, and outsourcing is almost inevitable. Xi'an itself is not a developed city with the Internet, so one can imagine the level of operators that can be found.

As for spending money, whether government affairs can be disclosed as a specific development cost may not be so meticulous in many places at present. Even if it is made public, at most it will be at the level of how much money is given to telecommunications. As for how telecommunications spend this money, it is out of the scope of government purchases.

Xi'an should not have expected to deal with such a large number of visits at the beginning. This is not considered to be a failure of work. It can only be said that sometimes the plan does not keep up with the changes.

2. About the Big Data Bureau

This institution is newly established, and it is a department in the administrative sequence of the government. It is inevitable that its leaders are not professional. Aside from China's special administrative system and historical problems, even in terms of the time when the concept of big data emerged and the time when the institution was established, it is impossible for the administrative system to have professionals in this field. Not to mention recruiting professional graduates, it is impossible for new professional graduates to be eligible for this position.

Whether there is a transfer of benefits, without evidence, it can only be said that the government's credibility is really overdrawn.

3. Whether the answer is closed

I find this a bit harsh. First of all, the reason for the crash caused by excessive traffic is not completely untenable. Second, imagine how he could answer? It was originally designed that the number of visits in Dengfeng is xxx, and now the number of visits is xxxx, which exceeds the design, resulting in the system not being able to bear it? Want him to explain the technical reasons to reporters? The conclusion is still the same.

I don't think this answer is "transferring contradictions to the masses".

4. The mystery of the source and transmission chain of the epidemic in Xi'an

Epidemiological investigation is a scientific and technical issue, and the investigation of the large-scale spread of epidemic diseases is by no means easy. It is good to be able to check the source and path, but it seems that there is no way to blame too much if you can't find out quickly.

Two years have passed since the incident in Wuhan, and the source and tradition are still unclear. Compared with various international investigation reports, it seems that it is not too shameful to be unclear. (I don't intend to use foreign situations to compare bad, don't cue)

5. The Mystery of Vaccine Effectiveness in Xi'an

Vaccines don't seem to work. For an epidemic that is constantly mutating, it is in line with scientific laws. The vaccine itself is a lagging, passive defense. And this has nothing to do with the government's behavior. There is no problem with the government's promotion of vaccines (whether it is reasonable to push it as a political task, this can be discussed separately). The fact that old measures cannot fight against new variants does not mean that old measures are meaningless (whether it is completely useless or not needs to be determined)

6. Obviously, this sheep-pen-style closure of cities, districts, and homes itself has led to further outbreaks of the epidemic.

I don't see the logic of this theory.

Volunteers are not allowed to go out. I don't think there is anything unreasonable in the case of establishing a lockdown. Because there is no way to confirm whether there are asymptomatic infected people in the volunteers or whether there are virus carriers, it is reasonable to prohibit movement when the situation is unclear.

The same problem does not mean that the value of volunteers is not recognized, nor does it deny the ability to self-organize, but that there is no way to confirm that self-organizing people are themselves safe. There is nothing wrong with this in an emergency.

How many people in Quanxi were infected in the closed home quarantine because their family members were infected first? It is impossible to count, but there is reason to believe that Sun Hui is not alone.

Sun is indeed the responsibility to deal with it, I have nothing to say. However, the problem is not home isolation, but the timely admission of people at risk.

The second is the mutual infection caused by centralized testing and forced transfer and isolation within the community (some netizens pointed out that there was not enough distance between people during these operations, many people did not wear masks, and everyone waited for a long time together) .

This point is actually in contradiction with the above. It is wrong to say that there is no centralized isolation for those with problems. Here, it is said that centralized transfer and isolation will bring infection. So what is the author's opinion on this issue?

Centralized testing is a must, and those participating in the testing must wear masks and keep their distances consciously. If you have to be reminded to stand in line and wear masks, how can you expect self-organized volunteers to do it without problems?

7. Is the lockdown effective?

There is no scientific basis to analyze Xi'an's sheep pen-style closure. This measure of closing the city to death is effective in controlling the outbreak.

The author is afraid that the information is a bit lagging. The impact of Wuhan’s closure on the curve is obvious before, and the situation of the foreign control group without the closure can also be seen (it’s not bad, the spread of foreign policies is obvious, the UK etc. and take steps to reduce social contact). Mandatory lockdowns are certainly effective. More questions lie in the trade-off between the cost of locking down the city and the risk of not locking it down. This is another question.

Eight, the real slot

In the past two days, there have also been secondary crises such as heavy hemorrhage in pregnant women and stillbirth due to lack of timely treatment, and the death of the elderly due to sudden heart disease. The cumulative number of deaths in Xi'an today is 3. It is highly probable that these two cases are not counted in the deaths caused by the epidemic. But this unborn child, and the old man, if they hadn't been locked down because of the sheepfold, it's very likely that they wouldn't die. How can this be calculated?

This is where Xi'an really deserves to be scolded.

When similar problems occurred in Wuhan two years ago, Xi'an still did not make due plans for special situations. In the absence of a plan, it cannot be handled flexibly in a timely manner to avoid adverse consequences. Xi'an's government departments are to blame, and no one can escape the responsibility.

9. Governance Structure and Governance Difficulties

I'm not trying to whitewash Xi'an. I don't think Xi'an is doing well, and I don't think that the practice in China and the current atmosphere, especially the atmosphere of the Internet, are healthy. I am more concerned about the governance structure and real governance problems reflected in the epidemic.

The "late Qing Dynasty" of the local government caused by the political command

First of all, I would like to state that I am very disgusted by political leadership, and I am very aware of the disasters brought about by political leadership in history. What I'm more interested in is, why do the authorities still demand that politics be in command to deal with matters even though they know that it is not good to be in command of politics?

I think there is a relationship between history and reality.

Unlike Western countries, China has a long history of centralization, which some scholars call the "water control model". Reflected on culture, it is the psychological and realistic dependence on authority. Under the old model, people listened to their parents and teachers when they were young, and then listened to gentry and landlords when they grew up. Under the new model, you listen to your parents when you are young, your teachers when you are older, and your superiors after work. Obedience seems to be a common feature of East Asian Confucian civilization. No culture in East Asia seems to value freedom. Under the old model, however, the traditional Chinese social structure is based on the family. An individual is a member of the family first, and may be a member of the society second. This has formed a very peculiar phenomenon, on the one hand, the centralization of the state, and on the other hand, the scattered sand in the society and the indifference between different families. If the central government wants to accomplish something, it must do it by itself, and it is impossible to decompose the task to the society to complete it by itself. Centralization seems to be very powerful, but it cannot directly control the grassroots. In this case, with politics in command, it becomes an inevitable choice for everything to give way. Regardless of the specific situation, as long as the result is the result, the local governments are forced to adopt various means to achieve the goals set by the central government. In this mode, the central government only sets goals and does not take responsibility, because it does not have the resources to investigate the actual situation of the locality, and the locality cannot adjust the goals given by the central government according to its own actual situation, because the power of the locality is given by the central government, no explanation is given. will be interpreted as prevarication. The center can only give orders that may be unrealistic, and the localities can only do it with all their might.

The central government has instructed to do a good job in epidemic prevention, so the local area can only do its best to complete it. What measures are best to use, must be pulled to the fullest. Taking the most radical measures is the safest.

It's unscientific, sometimes it sucks, but more often it's useful. This forms a national path dependence.

If in the old era, the more centralized the dynasty, the more powerful the dynasty, because it can extract the power of society to the greatest extent.

However, times have changed.

The complexity and sophistication of modern society is beyond the comprehension of any human brain. A change will bring an unexpected chain reaction. This requires more refinement of social governance, and this refinement is either covered by the government or done spontaneously by the society.

Taking the epidemic prevention in Xi'an as an example, if the city needs to be closed, to achieve the refined requirements, it must be done: when specifying the plan, make arrangements for the consumption of residents' meat and vegetables, and arrange the supply chain and delivery; Prepare adequate sanitary napkins in places where they are located; stipulate which diseases the hospital can treat, stipulate that the hospital handles emergency situations, and reasonably arrange applications and treatment for maternity inspection, dialysis, first aid, etc., and so on. . .

Can it be done?

Certainly not.

It is done spontaneously by the society, even if it solves various problems raised by the society, it is constantly patched, and finally through practice, a complete set of solutions is formed.

Which is a more scientific governance model?

Definitely the latter. The governance problems caused by the complexity of modern social life need to be solved by the society itself, rather than relying on the design of the superior.

Therefore, the way to solve the problem of governance and the current structural contradiction of governance are here.

That is, the structure of governance is determined, and the empowerment of governance comes from the center. If China can provide a solution as fine as sanitary napkins, the local can do it. However, the center cannot do it.

Solving the problem of governance determines that society itself must be involved in governance. However, this has a natural contradiction with the existing governance structure.

After so much talking, I can say what I want to say.

Whether it is the central government, the local government, the bureaucrats, or the common people, it is not that they do not want to do things well, but that under the conditions of history and reality, there are some involuntary actions in every aspect. An industrial society is not an agricultural society, and China in the 21st century is not a late Qing Dynasty. Even if someone wants to go back, they cannot do it. How to see the problems in the governance of the epidemic, see the solutions to the problems, adjust the governance structure, solve some governance problems, make social governance more scientific, make fewer tragedies occur, and make everyone serious Ordinary people who have worked hard can live better, and I think it is more worth thinking about.

Also, what should be scolded is still scolded.

Original address: https://matters.news/@Zhang_Yi/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E5%9C%B0%E6%96%B9%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C %E7%9A%84%E6%99%9A%E6%B8%85%E5%8C%96-%E4%BB%A5%E8%A5%BF%E5%AE%89%E9%98%B2% E7%96%AB%E4%B8%BA%E4%BE%8B-bafyreicxkxvxnrmncqplxijytywulw37tnaudo2tyf6bptwe6z5pw3idii

The Late Qing Dynasty of Chinese Local Governments: Taking Xi'an Epidemic Prevention as an Example

This wave of epidemic management system in Xi'an can be said to be an excellent observation sample for the governance capabilities of local governments and party organizations. I hope to do a job of attracting new ideas and hope that friends who are more professional or have more first-hand information and comprehensive observations will continue to discuss this aspect. I wrote it in a hurry, it is inevitable that there are mistakes and omissions, please correct me.

"He firmly controls the officials in his own hands with his clever tricks and extraordinary political terror, to ensure that the will of the monarch is unimpeded at any time and in any field. . . . , his attitude is blind repression.... No matter how the people are exploited and exploited by corrupt officials, they have no choice but to resign themselves to their fate and not 'overstep a higher level to petition'. He always regards the masses as the enemy when they gather to protest and defend their rights. He has repeatedly stressed the need to 'severely deal with', and even 'regardless of the head and obedience'.

For intellectuals, he is even more of a formidable enemy. With super terrifying means, he swept away all the budding ideas that could endanger the rule. "

If I ask readers to guess where the above passage came from and what era it is about, I don’t know what answers you will give?

This is about Emperor Qianlong, from Zhang Hongjie's "The Prosperity of Hunger: The Gains and Losses of the Qianlong Era". (I replaced the word "minister" in the original text with "official").

The metaphor of "Marx plus Qin Shi Huang" seems unfair to Qin Shi Huang. For those who have personally read history books, a more appropriate description is: Marx plus Qianlong. In terms of the number of destroyed books, Qin Shihuang is not as good as Xiang Yu, and maybe even worse than Qianlong. In terms of actively shaping the national mentality and ideology, Qin Shihuang was undoubtedly a loser, while Qianlong was a success. Not only that, Qin Shihuang left behind a chaotic situation, while Qianlong cultivated a whole set of prosperous narratives during his lifetime, and in this prosperous narrative he had to nurture his years. From this point of view, it seems very unfair to the CCP to talk about Max plus Qin Shihuang. Neither Marx nor Qin Shihuang ever ruled over hundreds of millions of people and experienced a "prosperous age". This is a reluctance to compete with the CCP in human history. Only Qianlong.

Back to Xi'an in front of us.

  1. Why did the epidemic prevention chaos in Xi'an occur?

This wave of epidemic in Xi'an, every step is full of very magical operations, making the entire Xi'an municipal work, from the perspective of outsiders, seems to be the work of a mentally retarded AI, not a human with common sense. of. The chaos in Xi'an seems to have started with the collapse of the city's "one-yard-pass" system. If we first ask, why is a "one-code-pass" in Xi'an that has been collapsing since its collapse on December 20, and is still collapsing today, when Tencent and Alibaba handle hundreds of millions of QR code operations every day?

The Mystery of the Supplier Identity of Xi'an "One-Code-Pass"

In April 2020, the Xi'an Big Data Administration awarded the May 4th Medal to the "One Code Access" technical support team. The press release mentioned Tian Chao, General Manager of China Telecom Xi'an Branch, and Zhang Wei, Deputy General Manager. Does this mean that China Telecom Xi'an Branch is the supplier of Xi'an "Yi Ma Tong"? If not, why are these two people present at the recognition ceremony? The magic is that according to Sina's report this year, the reporter consulted Merrill Lynch Data Technology Co., Ltd. This company admits that it provides algorithms and backends, but is not responsible for operation and maintenance; another Xi'an Neusoft System Integration Co., Ltd. is said to be responsible for operation and maintenance. After receiving a call from reporters, he said "I don't know". Can we reasonably doubt that the Xi'an Municipal Government handed over the "Yi Ma Tong" project to China Telecom Xi'an Branch to do it, and then this project was split and subcontracted, and Xi'an Neusoft did the operation and maintenance, and Xi'an Neusoft outsourced it to Merrill Lynch Data as algorithm and backend? Another possibility is that Xi'an Neusoft will do the operation and maintenance, Merrill Lynch Data will do the backend, and Xi'an Telecom will do the technical support? ——Because the parties are all in Xi'an, there is almost no possibility for the outside world to have exact testimony and evidence. Until now, the outside world seems to have no idea which company and team is responsible for Xi'an Yimatong, how much money it has spent on taxpayers in Xi'an, and how these funds are spent.

In the past two weeks, Liu Jun, director of Xi'an Big Data Administration, has only given a standard official statement: too much traffic leads to collapse, and it is recommended that citizens do not display codes or display codes unless necessary.

For the failure of the municipal project that seemed to be his responsibility, he blamed the large traffic of citizens using the code. Half a month passed without any in-depth review and there was no effective measure. When it collapsed again, he would repeat this sentence again. . If you search for Liu Jun's resume, you will find that he has no scientific and technological academic background, and has never worked in a major domestic technology company. He was promoted to the position of big data director purely through an administrative route. A reasonable suspicion is that if there are problems of benefit transmission and corruption in the Xi'an Yimatong project, Liu Jun may just follow the leaders to drink soup. Perhaps the one who should be really responsible is the leader behind the scenes who put him, who has no knowledge of big data technology and expertise, in this position.

"All human affairs should be obscure, there is no point in refuting, and there is no point in negotiating. . What is "Mixed Seam"? "Excessive traffic leads to collapse", which gently shifts the source of conflicts and problems from "inside the system" to "the masses", which seems to be caused by some external objective factors that are not within the control of "inside the system". Kind of suturing words. It seems to answer the most concerned questions from all walks of life, but in fact it says nothing.

The mystery of the source and transmission chain of the epidemic in Xi'an

If you search for the source of this wave of epidemics in Xi'an, you will find that there is no report that can explain it clearly. Today's search results, the latest report was on December 18, with titles such as "Shaanxi: The epidemic was initially determined to be caused by overseas imports", "Gene sequencing of recently confirmed cases in Shaanxi is highly homologous to imported cases outside Pakistan", etc. Implied, but nothing substantiated, not even clear if the imported Covid virus outside Pakistan was Delta or Omicron. Looking back at the source tracing and news reports of the Nanjing epidemic in July, it is found that the imported cases first caused the staff at Nanjing Lukou Airport to test positive. Regional employees have completed 16 rounds of nucleic acid testing for all employees, with a total of 254,700 tests, all of which were negative." The reporter also mentioned Jiemian's interview with Liu Xiaohua, a professor at the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University who participated in the design of the air conditioning system of Xi'an Airport. Professor Liu Said that the air-conditioning design of Xi'an Xianyang Airport will not lead to the spread of the virus. That is to say, "this wave of epidemics was imported from outside Pakistan", which is a hint of news discourse. If you go to the bottom of which report and which information source released the conclusion, you will find that there is no such conclusion.

So where is the evidence showing the import from abroad and the evidence showing the chain of transmission? - It doesn't seem to be there either.

The Mystery of Vaccine Effectiveness in Xi'an

According to a report by Sina News in July last year, the vaccination rate of people over the age of 18 in Xi'an exceeded 95%, and the number of new crown vaccinations exceeded 10 million. At the end of July, the city's students aged 15-17 were vaccinated. So in this wave of Xi'an epidemic, what type of virus is this virus, is it Delta or Omicron, or even a new variant? At the beginning of 2020, I don’t know if you still remember the booming atmosphere of the mainland academic papers when the epidemic first broke out in Wuhan, until the authorities issued regulations at the end of February 2020 requiring that any new crown papers must be reviewed by the authorities before they are published in international academic journals. . So this year we saw that in this wave of Xi'an epidemic, it seems that there are no academic articles based on local samples on the effectiveness of vaccines in China, or the virus variants and transmission characteristics that caused this wave.

Since December 20 to today, Sinopharm's shares in Hong Kong have risen more than 9%. So what effect did the Chinese vaccine have on the anti-epidemic protests of Xi'an citizens?

- I don't know, I don't know.

Will Xi'an's "sheep pen-style closure" form a new local outbreak, or even cause a new variant?

On December 27, the management and control of Xi'an was upgraded, and everyone could not enter or leave the community. It seems that many people's doors were sealed and they were not allowed to go out at all. An article on the official account shows that from that day on, it is not allowed to buy and sell vegetables next to the fence of the community; there used to be volunteers who specially delivered food for the homeless or the disabled, and there were also people who were able to recruit thousands of volunteers. Organization, completely ineffective because they are not allowed to go out. The city's food supply and demand structure based on a market economy has been completely destroyed. The city government's work method is to treat citizens as animals that have no self-organization and self-prevention capabilities. They are locked in sheep pens and fed by the government. (I will not post a link to the public account article here, so as not to find more trouble for the author.)

Obviously, this sheep pen-style closure of cities, districts, and homes itself has led to further outbreaks of the epidemic. The first is mutual infection within the family. For example, Sun Hui, who has been seen by everyone, knew that he was infected, and hoped to be isolated and not accepted by any government department. During the home isolation, the whole family of 6 was infected. How many people in Quanxi were infected in the closed home quarantine because their family members were infected first? It is impossible to count, but there is reason to believe that Sun Hui is not alone. The second is the mutual infection caused by centralized testing and forced transfer and isolation within the community (some netizens pointed out that there was not enough distance between people during these operations, many people did not wear masks, and everyone waited for a long time together) . Of course, I can't find data or evidence to support this argument, and I believe that people who have the ability to investigate and research are likely to be unable to speak out because of fear or other reasons.

In the past two days, there have also been secondary crises such as heavy hemorrhage in pregnant women and stillbirth due to lack of timely treatment, and the death of the elderly due to sudden heart disease. The cumulative number of deaths in Xi'an today is 3. It is highly probable that these two cases are not counted in the deaths caused by the epidemic. But this unborn child, and the old man, if they hadn't been locked down because of the sheepfold, it's very likely that they wouldn't die. How can this be calculated?

Remember that Delta is a new variant of a full-blown outbreak in India that allowed people to gather for traditional religious festivals by loosening the anti-epidemic measures. Modi's decision at the time was based on a survey by Indian universities that found that nearly 60% of the population already had antibodies. There is no scientific basis to analyze Xi'an's sheep pen-style closure. This measure of closing the city to death is effective in controlling the outbreak.

2. The "late Qing Dynasty" of the local government caused by the political leadership

What I mean by "late Qing Dynasty" refers to the overall failure of governance, such as paralysis, show-making, deceit and shirk shirk, etc., exhibited by local bureaucratic groups in Xi'an during this epidemic prevention. The citizens of Xi'an showed overall caution and resignation. Today, a Xi'an Fengcheng diary (on a public account) similar to Fang Fang's diary appeared, apparently from a brave Xi'an intellectual. On various online platforms, it is indeed full of the warmth of the neighbors helping each other. But all the criticism and suggestions, albeit tame, were inevitably met with defensive comments from Little Pink. Screenshots have already appeared on Twitter, saying that the woman who posted a crying video to the staff asking for food and sanitary pads, after getting the real objects and sanitary pads, has posted on Weibo to apologize that she shouldn’t have posted that video, which led to The extranet "hands off knives". The blogger who posted about his father's death of a heart attack has also deleted the post on Xiaohongshu. I guess the person who wrote the diary of Xi'an Fengcheng could not escape Fang Fang's similar fate - being nailed to the pillar of shame in history by the "people".

——I don’t know if they know it or not. Maybe it is because of the influence outside the wall that their voices are taken seriously and their demands are answered, thus improving their living environment inside the wall. Maybe their interest environment does not allow them to take such a position. If their thinking stays on the good side, they will immediately draw a clear line with the outside world and the public after they receive the benefits, in order to protect themselves from cyber violence and the country within the wall. In the mode of applying pressure, it will have the least impact on their mentality and interests to continue living within the wall. Maybe they can't be blamed, living within the wall, and only by adjusting their mentality and thinking to adapt to the requirements of the wall can they maximize their benefits and not be regarded as mentally ill. Let's call it "sheeppen psychology".

For the term "hand the knife", what is a knife? Is the truth a knife? If the "foreign forces" have grasped the truth in China's epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic, do they have a "knife"? Why is this truth a knife in the hands of foreign forces, but not a knife in the hands of the "people" in China? Is the truth, there are two faces?

In the Qianlong Dynasty, there was a fallen scholar who was handed over to Wu Ying. At nearly sixty o'clock in the year, he stopped the sedan chair of the Qianlong Dynasty's Guangxi political envoy on his trip and knelt on the ground, and put forward five proposals for governance, with data, analysis and methods. Among them There is nothing that is most relevant to history and the harm of tobacco cultivation in Guangxi, and it is recommended to ban tobacco cultivation. After the case was tried by the Guangxi governor, it was suggested that he should be punished for the crime of "big treason" and sentenced to death by Ling Chi, saying that he "was born in a holy world, did not know how to be safe, and rashly handed over the book"; Wu Ying's two sons, younger brother, and two nephews were sentenced to death. Beheaded, wives, concubines, daughters-in-law, youngest sons and youngest nephews, sent to the family of the hero as slaves. After Emperor Qianlong's approval, he agreed to sentence Wu Ying Ling Chi, and his family members were made slaves; Wu Ying's son, younger brother, and nephew were sentenced to be executed. This is just one case in the tide of writing prisons. All scholars and squires who leapfrog petitions, plead for the people's orders, and initiate free academic discussions among the people will all be destroyed. In the end, Qianlong succeeded in creating a bureaucratic class with no moral integrity and profit-seeking, and also created the rapid moral and spiritual degeneration of the scholar-officials in the late Qing Dynasty. When Confucian scholars have been forcibly deprived of their aspirations to rise and fall, and their mission to protect the conscience of the world, they can only survive if they single-mindedly seek for rice and liang. As a result, the late Qing bureaucracy behind Qianlong was cautious and conscientious when the emperor was shrewd and strong; when the emperor relaxed his vigilance, he committed corruption, and did everything possible to embezzle state capital and private property, and gradually marginalize capable and ethical officials, resulting in a group and system The bureaucracy is based on corruption and the personal attachment network of superiors and subordinates. "Probably for officials and elders, their integrity and shame are lost, and profit is the trend. The magistrates give money to the magistrates, and the magistrates do good deeds and powers. Those who are really able to plan for the people, can’t be one or two in ten. Those who are one or two are often laughed at by seven or eight people as slanderous, clumsy, and unskilled. If it is out of time, unfortunate to a certain extent, and has a public fault, it is only a matter of time to leave, and the trend of one or two people will not be attributed to the actions of seven or eight people.”

In the later years of Qianlong, he did not like to renew the prison, not only was lenient to the people, but also very tolerant of corrupt officials, and liked a quiet and trouble-free court. As a result, the bureaucracy fell into a state of semi-paralysis. We are already familiar with the routine of creating such a bureaucratic class that is obedient and obedient. The first step is to break the spine and backbone of intellectuals, not to allow the public to be dignified, and to criticize and criticize. This step is almost complete; Continue to dig up intellectuals with some conscience within the system; the second is to completely block the investigation and dissemination of social truth, and completely eliminate social observation and scientific analysis that are inconsistent with the emperor's personal views. In the Qianlong Dynasty, it was a prison for writing, and now it is the arrest of social investigative journalists and human rights lawyers. This step is almost complete. After these two steps are completed, the social soil of the late Qing Dynasty is basically ready, and the whole society presents a situation where all horses and horses are in harmony. If it were in 2020, Zhang Wenhong should have expressed some views on scientific epidemic prevention at this time. Now Zhang Wenhong is silent. He is a party member and a leader within the system. His silence reflects the collapse of the last rational and scientific line of defense on the issue of epidemic prevention.

Centralized leadership, political leadership, and the logic of selecting officials, coupled with a society where all the horses are in harmony, the late Qing Dynasty of the bureaucracy began. There is no single person or government that can manage the country by relying on a single officialdom without resorting to the strength of the entire society and the wisdom of the masses. Xi'an is a sample, a stress test for the new Xi'an government, which fully reflects the mental retardation and incompetence of the bureaucracy after the late Qing Dynasty. It's not that all local officials in Xi'an are incompetent. Maybe each of them is very capable and has a lot of means, but when they are in such an officialdom, they show a collective mental retardation, which is the harm of the late Qing Dynasty. This officialdom rule has transformed these officials from human beings with common sense and self-awareness into mechanized, unresponsive screws.

The next series of steps in the late Qing Dynasty were to close the country, shape history, change memory, and complete the personal worship of the Holy Lord Mingjun and the grand narrative of a prosperous world.

In the past two years, in the name of epidemic prevention, business visas for foreigners have not been issued, and passports for Chinese residents who have expired due to personal reasons are hardly renewed. The authorities are consciously and gradually separating the Chinese from foreigners, so that people inside the wall cannot obtain information and opinions outside the wall, thereby preventing their way of thinking and mentality from being affected; The historical truth of what happened was brought abroad. Of course, this "closed country" is not economic and trade, but the national spirit. Whenever something big happens, there are two narrative lines inside and outside the wall. Not to mention the reshaping of historical memory over the past 100 years, the history and memory that happened in front of us are also being reshaped every day.

3. It's not too late

"Late Qinghua" is a somewhat radical term. I deliberately wrote it out to alert the Chinese people, not to really think that Chinese society has reached the level of the late Qing Dynasty. As long as this late-Qing transformation of local bureaucrats is confined to one or two cities and does not spread systematically across the country, it is easy to treat. History cannot be accelerated or reversed. History has its own rhythm and development logic. It will not be turned upside down because of anyone's angry words, and of course it will not remain peaceful forever because of anyone's prosperous words.

History is also made up of the life choices of specific people under the torrent of the times. If there really is a "butterfly" effect, then I'm here to flap my wings today. After all, there is no way to do anything for the people inside the wall, I just hope that everyone suffers less.

Final statement: At present, in the discourse atmosphere of mainland netizens, all criticisms, especially those from outside the wall, seem to have ulterior political purposes and sinister intentions to smear China. I am ready to give myself a response: the author of this article has never lived in Xi'an, nor did he contribute a cent or a cent to the prevention and control of the epidemic in Xi'an. He collected some hearsay rumors, and smeared the whole of Xi'an, even at the cost of Curse the country. Couldn't the author see the videos and pictures of Xi'an citizens kneeling to thank the Party and the government? With such a large population and such a large city, it is inevitable that there will be places that cannot be taken care of for a while. Isn't the government already improving and rushing to repair the one-yard-pass system? Are you saying that in all countries in the world, heavy bleeding during pregnancy and heart attack are not fatal? Why does the author say that this is caused by epidemic prevention measures? Vice Premier Sun Chunlan has already visited Xi'an, and he believes that Xi'an's work will be more and more on track. Come on Xi'an, come on mutton steamed buns!!!

Little Pink, Ziganwu and Wumao can copy and paste directly without having to write it themselves. I wrote it myself to give you a thumbs up here, so I won't respond one by one.


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