Gardener's Notebook - The condensation of gum firs

Gardener's Notebook series. What I am sharing today is the gum fir whose name and image look extremely cold! On the day when the weather is extremely hot, let's take a look at the cool picture, let's fight the fire and relieve the heat!
Miracle's "Gum Fir" scent.
[Sensory Fragrance Painting] from the Gardener's Notebook series, a daily record of the 33 Graden team. Through the presentation of the aroma painting unit, we will lead you to experience the world of aroma and feel the most comfortable natural therapy. While repairing the body, we must also remember to take care of the mind, which is the real balance healing~🥰

~💚The condensation of gum fir💙~

The slightly cold cool breath outlines the outline of the arc, and the blue-green color is dotted in it. From the protective cover down, the crystal clear grains of essence extend.

The condensation of glue like water freezes the coldness of the fir, the emerald green color reflects the vitality of the fir, and the clear water color wraps the hot vitality.

In your lingering posture, but a life full of hope.

~ Little Gardener Miracle

#aromatherapy#aroma painting#Editor's aromatherapy daily#sensory#intuition#gum fir#essential oil

Miracle's "Gum Fir" scent log page.

~💚The wisdom condensed by water droplets💙~

The smell of gum fir is a cool fragrance. When you smell it, the nasal cavity seems to be washed from the inside out by the aroma, and it can also calm down the fiery temperature, which just echoes his role: the treatment of respiratory infections symptom. At the same time, due to its high ester content, it is more suitable for children to use compared with other essential oils of Pinaceae and fir plants to deal with children's respiratory allergies or asthma.

In the current epidemic situation, in fact, plastic fir is also an oil that can be practically applied to life. For example, the little gardener at 33Garden made an anti-epidemic balm before, which can be applied directly on the body, especially around the respiratory tract, under the nose, in front of the ears, etc., so that the fragrant plant energy can accompany him, forming a natural fragrance. Barrier~ Naturally there is also this gum fir in the compound!

For example, the immunity of the miracle itself is relatively weak. Every time I go out, I will remember to apply it first, and apply aromatherapy to the epidemic prevention life. And every time I smell the aroma, I will feel at ease and happiness. It is really the best gift that plants bring us!

Of course, when using these plant energies, we must also thank them well, thank these wisdoms from the earth, so that we can obtain the precious essence and apply it in our lives.

Keep a peaceful heart, cherish all life, and believe that no matter how big the sun is outside, the heart is still cool. What Gum Fir brings to us is the wisdom condensed into water droplets :)

A close-up shot of Miracle's "Gum Fir" scent.

💚The essential oil used this time comes from #kenyuan. 💙

 ※The release date of this article: 2022/07/23. Simultaneously posted on FB, Matters, and Square.
※This is a cooperation column of 33Garden×Miracle Broadcasting Station. The copyright of the pictures and texts is reserved. Those who want to reprint must inform in advance, and the infringement must be investigated.

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