【Tool Recommendation】dapdap.io | Bahamut of Blockchain

This article will introduce dapdap.io. If there are friends who are chasing GameFi projects, I believe that everyone must study the experience of liver necrosis every day. If there is a platform like Bahamut, it can help us unify these endless streams. You can save a lot of time and energy, and you can discover new games more!

Blockchain Games and GameFi

Anyone who has played games must know that when playing games, in addition to earning game currency, if the game is to fight monsters and practice exercises, there must be game assets such as props, equipment, pets, etc. For blockchain games, these game currencies are It is a kind of cryptocurrency, and assets are also a kind of NFT. Now many games can allow these in-game assets to be remitted in the form of NFT, allowing players to freely trade with each other in the secondary market, plus in-game cryptocurrency prices. If you can make a profit from it, it will be the so-called "Play to Earn" model, which is also called Game Finance (GameFi).

Chain Game Chaos

Since the popularity of the game Axie Infinity last summer, the popularity of the game has exploded, and the discussion between the blockchain game map and GameFi has started. Various manufacturers can't wait to add the function of the blockchain to their products, and hastily put the game online. , and cooperate with the issuance of game currency, NFT and other cryptocurrencies to make a fortune. Then, because of the explosion of the metaverse theme, everyone began to go to games such as The Sandbox, Decentraland and other games to buy virtual land, characters, and equipment. Their respective tokens also rose to the point where they didn't know where to go, which was very crazy.

As long as you have followed these endless information, you will know how painful it is. Every day, there are countless new news of NFT and game projects released, which are mixed with serious project parties, just want to make a wave of funds and fundamentals It is a scam project. We try to understand the project in the sea of information, distinguish whether the project is good or bad, join a lot of Discord groups and try to find early investment opportunities. Seeing that in the end, it is better to turn off the phone and turn off the computer. If I give up tracking everything, I'll be rotten ヽ(*.>Д<)o゜

So I saw an information platform for chain games, called dapdap.io , which integrates blockchain game information of large and small, including what type of game, what chain it is published on, and whether the current game version is Alpha or Beta. , is it free to play, the URL of the official website, etc., and you can help the game score by logging in. As long as more people score and share the evaluation, you can let everyone know more about this game, as if it is like the Baja of the blockchain. Mute.

Introduction to dapdap.io

It seems that there are not many introduction articles on the Internet and people who use dapdap~ Let me give some introductions to help everyone use it! Click here to enter dapdap.io .

"front page"

On the home page, we can see the recommended games (Recommend) and the upcoming games (Upconing). If it is a computer version, you will also see the game keyword search function and the hot game (Hot Game) on the right side. In addition, there are currently Both English and Simplified Chinese are supported, so you don't have to worry too much about English.

"Game Evaluation Ranking"

In the Ranking function, there are popularity lists and editors' selections. The popularity list is obtained by users scoring after logging in and leaving comments, but the number of people who actually saw the ratings below is really poor, maybe it's just that the website builders have nothing to do. In the business of marketing... This website is not very popular, so it is good to look at the ratings of the popularity list. It is too easy to wash the scores. You can mainly look at the content of the Editor's Choice (Editor's Choice).

"Discover New Games"

On the Discover page, you can find the game you want more easily through the filter conditions. For example, if you think that the Ethereum fee is too expensive, you can directly skip the selection of Ethereum and choose other public chains such as BSC, Solana, etc.; If you don’t want to spend a lot of money before playing the game, you can choose “Free” as a filter condition; if you want to play multiplayer online, you can also filter by “Multiplayer”. The Guides function has created an information integration service and embedded a lot of external news.

"NFT Airdrop"

It is still under development. The information on when a game has a whitelist, airdrops, new currency issuance, etc. is really scattered. Tracking a bunch of projects often makes me a mess, so I am looking forward to this feature. If Being able to help us integrate all the information in one stop can greatly save the time of reviewing information, which must be super convenient!

"Game Introduction Page"

If you randomly click on a game to enter, you can see all the information of the game, including who the developer of the game project is, the URL of the official website, the introduction of game information, what chain is it released on, which operating systems are supported, evaluation, etc. It is convenient for us to quickly grasp what the game is doing.

Although I'm not sure whether the speed of information update is really fast, but this website is very suitable for people like me who don't have time to research projects, and occasionally want to find out if there are any interesting chain games that are about to be released, or everyone. If you have found any more powerful information stations, you are very welcome to share them with me!

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See you next time o((>ω< ))o~

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