luck at work

Have you met a good boss, a good colleague and a good subordinate?

It is undoubtedly a lucky thing to meet a good boss at work, because as long as you follow and learn, you will be supported.

It is undoubtedly a lucky thing to meet good colleagues at work, because as long as we work together, we will get twice the result with half the effort.

It is undoubtedly a lucky thing to meet good subordinates at work, because as long as you give instructions, you can complete the task.

However, the world may not be so lucky, because even if you meet a good boss and be your best player, but you don't meet a good colleague or subordinate, and you don't cooperate or obey, you may not be able to play to your strengths in the end.

People can be very lucky, but they may not be able to encounter many kinds of luck at the same time.

When a person encounters a kind of luck at work, but lacks a key one, he can only waste the luck encountered.

When luck is one after another, but there is no connection, or there is a deviation in order and time, it cannot make luck continue and expand. Individual luck can only be a kind of comfort, better than nothing.

To get all kinds of luck at the same time is like being loved by thousands of people, but it is undoubtedly an extravagant hope.

It turns out that in the end, it is all up to you!

Be your own Bole, find good bosses, get to know good colleagues, and choose good subordinates.

However, people can be their own horses, or they can choose to make good colleagues, but it is difficult to have the right to choose good bosses and good subordinates.

In fact, you also have to rely on yourself, that is, to train the bosses and subordinates who you think are not good to become good bosses and good subordinates.

Because, rather than constantly looking for, or even replacing, it is better to "know people and make good use of them", give full play to their advantages and reduce their shortcomings.

In fact, people don't have good luck and good luck. When they see dissatisfaction, they will resist, or pick on their shortcomings, or blame others, or hope that bad luck will go away quickly, and they will only be disappointed.

Indeed, if you often hope that luck will come, it is better to bring luck to others first, that is, take the initiative to become someone else's bole, a good boss, a good colleague and a good subordinate.

Otherwise, the people who meet you will be as unfortunate as you and feel "unlucky", because they all think that you are not a Bole / a good boss / a good colleague / a good subordinate.


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