[The quiet place] When the world can only hear the wind


The helicopter did not fly over the apartment tonight, and the road outside could not hear any cars passing by. The neighbors of the opposite unit had closed their doors and probably went to sleep. This is the 28th day of the movement control order. On Tuesday, I was still working on my computer in the living room during the day, exchanging text messages and having video conferences with my colleagues. At noon, I cooked two meals of electric cooker rice; boiled the duck breast meat that had been in the ice tray for more than two weeks, sliced it, and served it with rice. I continued to practice palm presses every day, and I did 21 reps today; it is said that core training is very important and helps in running, but I have never seriously studied the part of the body that the so-called core refers to. The muscles in both arms are always in a state of slight soreness and numbness, and I don't know what will happen in another 14 days. I remember when I heard the announcement that the 14-day lockdown would be extended that evening, a burst of soreness surged in my chest. Even a big guy wants to cry.

I am reminded of my childhood in the late 80s and early 90s. At that time, every Sunday in Sibu was actually like it is now, and almost all shops were only open for half a day. Whether it was a grocery store, or the only supermarket in the city at the time, it was closed after one or two o'clock. On Sundays, everyone took a nap at home and watched 1980s Hong Kong movies on TV after noon. After the movie, it was time for Mom to cook dinner. After dinner, the sky is getting dark. At this time, prepare the homework to be handed in the next day, and then you can go to bed.

Of course, if a little bit of leisure is desired on Sunday, some will take a walk in the community, some will play basketball on the covered basketball court, some will play badminton. In the Malay community, you will see people playing takraw, and those Malays are so skilled that they practice the light power mentioned in martial arts novels. At that time, the only stadium in the town was open to the public for a long time, and people went there to run if they wanted to. If I remember correctly, there seems to have been a small organization like the marathon club that was running very hard. In recent years, the whole city has suddenly blown the trend of gym and long-distance running, which is really interesting. In the past, going to the gym was something that only some petty bourgeoisie communities had the ability and leisure to do. Now everyone can go to a "latte". Running used to be a very rustic, old-fashioned sport, but now it seems that everyone can run. Some corporate staff in the city also treat running as a worship, like a religious ceremony to carry out on a regular basis.

And I, at that time, was in the library every Sunday and Tuesday. I can live a dull life without feeling like it's a waste. It was Sibu a long time ago, others may have forgotten, only me and a few people still remember. Like a scavenger who picks up everything that others don't want.

The past few Sundays, I listened to the preaching of my hometown pastor through live online. On one occasion, the pastor made an equivalent association between the movement control order and the more than 70 days of military martial law that Sibu experienced in 1970. That era, which I never lived through, still leaves scars deep in the hearts of some people. Perhaps in the next few years, I should take some time to explore that history and piece together a more complete picture.

Many people are asking what the world will be like after more than 20 days and 30 days, and I can't imagine what it will be like. Like everyone, I fell into a void, floating, floating, floating endlessly. Everyone suddenly stopped wasting their time and knew how to maintain adequate sleep, sleeping for eight hours a day, turning off the lights after ten o'clock, and waking up when the sun rose. Think about what to eat for breakfast, what kind of lunch and dinner the ingredients in the refrigerator can cook into; think about what to buy next time you go out to buy supplies.

Maybe, after the MCO is lifted, I should continue to live a simple and pure life. Live like the grownups I met in my childhood, healthy, content, focused, free from the shackles of capitalism and modern technology. After today, there are still 14 days. I wonder if I can hold it up to 30 times on the palm of my hand?


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