the dignity of clothes

Sometimes the appearance of a family can be observed from the child.
Image source: unsplash

When walking on the street, the children's clothes will be judged by passers-by, sitting in the MRT carriages, the children's frolic will be hygienically cast by the passengers, and the children's words and deeds, even their clothing and appearance, can easily be projected as parents .

For example, a child with dirty clothes will be associated with a lazy or busy mother. Conversely, if a child has neat braids and dresses every day, it is easy to be full of love. To a certain extent, it does reflect the environment in which children grow up and the care they receive, regardless of whether it is completely consistent with the facts or not.

Every family has its own difficulties, and children actually have a different order in the minds of their parents. Some parents pay great attention to clothing and appearance, but they completely ignore their children's clothes that do not fit or are dirty or ripped. The most obvious What’s more, it can be observed from the shoes. After all, the new and old and the size of the shoes are related to safety. Often, parents in business will ignore that the shoes under their children’s feet are no longer fit or worn out. When the children run, they are very worried. Falling down and getting injured in a second, of course, this is not to criticize those busy and careless parents, but the details expressed in many sub-images can observe what kind of care a child is receiving, and even others will judge it. parents.

We all agree that children should not be allowed to ask for anything, and we are not in favor of letting children develop a competitive mentality to compare themselves with their classmates, but allowing children to have a decent and comfortable appearance is actually building their self-esteem , and it is also a parent’s expression of heart and love. a method. Some extremely frugal parents think that letting their kids wear ill-fitting or dirty clothes makes no difference in life. Maybe at first glance, but I think the psychological impact is profound, especially with the age of the child. It's even more important as you get older, we don't need expensive designer clothes, but it's absolutely necessary for kids to wear clothes that make them happy.


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