How to adjust to anxiety? (FAKE)


Whether in a bull market or a bear market, there are big guys who show their magic powers, and the tricks to make money are only what I can't think of, and no big guys can do it, especially some of the group friends are young, talented and handsome, like Pan An. People can't help feeling ashamed, shouting that the world is unfair.

Therefore, this article will take stock of how to adjust the anxiety in the face of these proud people

1. Divide the blame: When you see the big guys posting orders or talking, share the happiness with them immediately, not only the happiness can be shared, but also the money can be shared, so that you will definitely not be anxious

2. Seriously delivering french fries: Sometimes people are too busy to think about things. Working hard and working hard makes me happy. And the customer who ordered the delivery may be a big guy, and stealing his meal is equivalent to smashing his wool.

3. Be a young model: In a bear market, it is unavoidable to have several part-time jobs a day. After all, the speed of accumulating the principal is faster, but don’t waste your working time, you can accumulate experience. Whether it's making contracts or moving bricks, the bosses are generally under a lot of pressure, so they will relax when they are friends. When we see group friends going to the clubhouse, we can take the opportunity to approach him and learn from him by chatting with him. Knowledge, understand the usual thinking and logic of the big guys, and finally get their DNA when they are drunk. This is the most critical information of the human body. Therefore, after getting this information, it is necessary to absorb it by yourself, or copy it. The descendants of the bosses will have alimony from the bosses. Various operations emerge one after another. The family is not as complicated as the backup

4. WIWI995: Let the strongest wiwi save us from dire straits


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