Eighteen years of education, past three years of junior high school


2. Junior high school three years


·Overall review: Three years of depravity.

Background: After entering high school, due to my own mind and objective reasons, I gradually became autistic and then extreme.

·When I entered junior high school, I found that there was no one I knew before, and I was helpless.

You might ask, why not develop a network? I can only smile and say that this is the question I answered earlier. Many of us, even until now in college, are afraid to speak, because of social fear . Frozen three feet, not a day's cold.

Second, the people around me make me unhappy. My roommates at the time were basically disrespectful to the teacher, but they had good grades, so it didn't matter. I'm still too honest, I have a hard time accepting hypocrisy.

Also, I started to play. In the first year of junior high school, I was letting myself go, and my grades dropped a lot.

But because of my dignity, and because there was no other way out, I ended up taking a radical path.

I started working as hard as in those motivational articles, like taking a cold shower every day to motivate myself, and cutting out games (doesn't this look like a contemporary college student trying to work hard?). Cut off the game, and cut off contact with those roommates. When I was in the second and third year of junior high school, my grades were basically in line with my own positioning. As for those roommates, I don't know how they are now, hope they are doing well.


·Learn from Lei Feng's Debate

This may have a special symbolic meaning.

To a certain extent, it is also a kind of light.

Now that I think about it, my junior high school Chinese teacher is very sentimental. She organized a debate in the third class on Friday afternoon.

This is really a way to enlighten students' thinking.

Unfortunately, the students' thinking has long since become rigid, and the effect may not be very big. Students may even think, let me go home early from school (because I can usually go home for the last class on Friday). I don't remember the exact details of this debate.

I was on the side of learning from Lei Feng, and then, I lost. Someone was surprised at the time.

At that time, we did not use historical facts to debate (not involving specific Lei Feng problems), but theoretical debates, and I lost.


This is one of the things I regret.

In elementary school, I wrote something that seemed interesting at the time; in middle school, I was free to write almost whatever I wanted; in high school, our term was: task-driven composition.

There is nothing new under the sun. I hope that while reading history, you can see the traces of history from the present. What happened in history, if not learn from, will happen again.

In the same way, very few people can go beyond the times to come up with new ideas, and what they have pondered and thought about may have appeared long ago in history.

What I want to reflect on is that I once praised Nazis in a composition training in middle school.

This is real.

I still remember my Chinese teacher calling me over to her and asking me why I was writing such a thing. I didn't speak, I probably didn't know what to say at the time. This is also the problem of our youth, who can't speak, can't speak their own thoughts.

I have always wanted something sublime. At that time, I found that the students around me were very degenerate in spirit and had almost no "national culture", so I had the idea of nationalism, and then I admired the fascism in the history textbooks. doctrine. sad.

It is also true that there are very few criticisms of the German Third Reich in the history textbooks, which only made me feel a tragedy of will when I was young. So, I childishly imitated a Nazi in that essay. sad.

In fact, these were the trends of the time. At that time, the atmosphere of Internet public opinion was lively, everything could be discussed, and we could write about everything; besides, there was indeed a market for fascism at that time (and sadly, even now). At that time, I didn't know much about the information online, but this influence was directly reflected in me.

How does my teacher feel when she sees her student hand in a composition like this!

I was even her class representative.

·Group study

It was also a failed experiment.

The initiator of the experiment, a math teacher, envisioned dividing the class into groups that would facilitate group discussions.

Roughly speaking, it is to put together several classmates, and the whole classroom seems to have several flowers, and it has been experimented for a period of time.

However, the students' collective discussion ability is not enough to support this discussion system, and we are still too playful. The result is predictable.

·Interesting thing

My politics teacher is very interesting. His Mandarin is not standard, and we often imitate it in private. He should be able to surf the Internet and be able to say something meaningful. Don't say it, he probably doesn't want me to say it.

· There is one more little thing.

There is a question in the junior high school political exam. It is said that only one student in the whole grade has answered it.

The answer to that question is "Yan'an Symposium on Literature and Art".

I was astonished at the time, but now that I understand it, I am also astonished.

That question should correspond to the symposium on literature and art work held on October 15, 2014, and respond to history.

But we generally study hard, neither understanding the past Yan'an nor the current politics.

I remember it was a girl in our class, and I remember her name.

Really astonishing.

·A ray of light


I read it in my second year of junior high, and it was the first book I understood. This book has been with me for 10 years so far. Some of its plots are extremely familiar to me, and the more I read it, the more I understand it as I get older.

·Boots of pirated books

Every now and then trucks would come in and sell pirated books.

Books are all on the ground, just pick.

All are pirated, because the paper is poor, it will deink, and it has some flavor.

But it's cheap. Although most of the books are popular readings, there are also many good books. My junior high school and high school are in the same school, so I have many patrons. I've bought books like The Ordinary World, The Catcher in the Rye, The Crowd, and more.

Regarding my reading history, I will not expand here.


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