The chain may always be there, even if it doesn't seem to exist

Sweet Valentine's Day is gone, let's talk about something dark
Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash

A few days ago, a friend said that a certain low-carddiscussion thread had been pushed on his mobile phone.

just wait! This will definitely be copied by reporters.
Is it true that a girl is despised by her boyfriend's mother's education, or is it a high degree? Is it really a highlight that a reporter would like to copy?
This kind of thing seems to be a matter of high education on the surface, but the context behind it, you know, I know, and the one-eyed dragon also knows it, but many people don't.
Roar too! After all, I was disliked when I didn’t have a degree, and I was disliked when my degree became higher, and even my study after work was disliked. After experiencing these three situations successively, I realized that the problem is not in the degree, but in not wanting to give up thinking. woman.

Regardless of gender, people who live smoothly in the patriarchal system, or who actually just get a little leftover in the patriarchal system, feel that they should be grateful. Perhaps, they have always wanted to maintain an ideal world, in that world, there is their beautiful vision of "what a woman has to be to be good".

It's best for women not to have too many opinions and ideas, just follow what the predecessors did, don't question, in short, it's all for your own good, the punctuation marks in your head, it's best not to have question marks. A woman who wants to put all the question marks in her heart in the sun will make these patriarchs overwhelmed.

Although the beast in Father Quanzai's heart really wants to imprison such a woman with chains, and force her to give birth to ten or eight babies, so that she can accept her fate and be obedient, but then again, they have suffered Basic civilized education, civic textbooks do not say that this is okay, let alone the law, so even if you are longing for it in your heart, you are very clear intellectually, you should not show this kind of behavior.

The patriarchs who live in a society advertised as being rich and polite, want a woman to keep her duty, shut her up, don't think too much, and use a polite way. One of the polite and standard ways is to start by criticizing a woman's education.

Women must read more, have knowledge and knowledge, and have the ability to live a better life and do what they want to do.

Education is like a ticket. The knowledge and education obtained by studying hard can have a good job and income in the future; avoid entering marriage and family with vulgar objects (but they will not tell you that highly educated people The subject may also experience domestic violence); and can even have various interests and dreams. In those years without this ticket, if you want to add more material to your life, you can temporarily put aside your textbooks and let go of reading, writing, and writing. The parents' "education comes first" is like a little hand of love, calling out to your face:

Every day I think about whether there are some or not. People have to go to college to do these. Do you have them? People are studying at National Taiwan University, so great, how about you?

Without a degree, I have no right to choose and speak. Before graduating from college, I was educated by my parents like this. All right! In order to be able to speak, I stud!

In the process of getting two more certificates, my parents used them as their little hands of love, and what they called on my face was no longer the theory of "education comes first", but the theory of "education is useless":

What are you reading so many books for? The more you read, the more you lose, and the less you teach! Thinking of things is also very strange! Can't you just follow along? It won't hurt you. Thank you for reading so many books!

Didn't Ah used to say that only women who have knowledge and knowledge can have the ability to live a better life and do what they want to do? In the process of seeking knowledge and learning, to have the ability to reflect, criticize and question common but unreasonable and abnormal phenomena/problems/ideology/morality, isn’t it just for a better life and self-realization?

The truth is about to come out! In fact, the father-right boy opened his mouth and closed his mouth to "education comes first". In the end, the hairpin turns into "education is useless". The point is not the disgust of women's education level at all, but the fear of women deep down in their hearts. Once they have the ability to think independently, take When it comes to the right to speak, their untenable views on marriage and parenting, morality, public morality, and gender consciousness that are still in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, which are already like candles/toads in the wind, will become less and less viable. Space, the air that patriarchy lives on, is just that.

When you don’t have an education, you think people are stupid, and warn people that you are not qualified to have a better life; when you get a good education, you think why people are not stupid, and persuade people to be obedient in order to live a better life.

Patriarchs do not directly state that in the brave new world they are looking forward to, women should not have too many ideas of their own, no matter how high their education is, they should not question the existing patriarchal system and challenge the gender order that men are supposed to be superior. And the standard answer in life that you shouldn't want to escape from marriage and childbirth, from husbands, to have children, and then all the way to dementia and death.

What's more, if you don't mention your education, you can even spend your own money and pay tuition to learn a language or skill. For example, the soul Dan, who is my father by blood, was full of disgust at me picking up Japanese and learning it again.

Are you good at Japanese? Can you speak Japanese? After learning Japanese, I also often go to Japan, do you start to look down on people?

I didn't want to look down on him at first, but his hostility really made me look down on him more and more.

Maybe he wants to save face, but what he can't say is that his daughter may learn Japanese more and more, and she may become more and more "knowledgeable". For a useless old man like him who worked in a Japanese business and finally retired because he was out of breath. , it's really unpleasant! No matter what, let me let go of my anger and remind me secretly that even if I know more than him, I can't make him feel ashamed. To be a daughter whose father is well-behaved and submissive without being rebellious, even if it is just a marble, it will be regarded as a pearl. What's wrong with this?

I didn't want to surpass this kind of person. After a retirement, I forgot all about Japanese. There was a Japanese textbook on the bedside every day. The old man, I really have a hard time surpassing.

I was disliked when I had a bad degree, I was disliked if I had a good degree, and I was disliked even in the Japanese class that promotes advanced education. After I ran all three scenarios once, these fathers were thinking in their hearts. what, understand. When I saw the low-card discussion, I wasn't surprised that the client had a high degree of education and was disliked by the future mother-in-law.

Therefore, the little flower plum that was abducted and sold as a child-bearing tool in country C has a visible chain on the neck, while the chains on most women are invisible. The chain may have been there all the time, even though it didn't seem to exist.

Oh right! In fact, the friend in this article is actually me.


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蔡凱西Cathy Tsai | 蔡凱西 台北人 / 不專業旅人 / 流浪中的學術人 / 研究旅行史與旅行文化的不良歷史學徒/《後綴》假掰文青誌編輯群 在出門旅行、閱讀,與作古的旅記文本中持續穿越 佛系粉專: 合作邀約
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