"Transformation Game" play experience

It really must be said that the transformation game is really amazing! At that time, when I played the metamorphosis game in March, I asked about my trip to Hualien in May. Now that I have come back from Hualien, I reviewed the whole card again, and it was as accurate as a prophecy!
(Play date 2021/03/14 - Article record date 2021/06/29)

During that time in the stratosphere, I often heard two board games, "Metamorphosis Game" and " Fortune Flow ". The guiding force was that Blue Monkey likes to learn through games and loves self-awareness. A board game with deep self-awareness really makes me very itchy. A friend I knew happened to be with him at the time, and the process of meeting him at the time and place was quite magical. Everything seemed to be arranged at the same time.

The time I played this game that day happened to be the day after I accidentally sent out the application letter for part-time job and dormitory and accidentally confirmed the admission (this series of exaggerated accidents seems to have been abducted by the guide, He really knows how to He kidnapped me woohoo~ He must be snickering with satisfaction~ As expected of the humor of my higher self, the guiding force of the Blue Monkey... Later, you will know the wonderful story of the twists and turns in Hualien... Enen.. .If you don't know, you can go to " When the Blue Storm Hits " I recorded the story of the trip to Hualien. There are 6 episodes in total)
At that time, I was still very anxious about the confusion, fear and entanglement of "Do I really want to go?" and "Is this really what my soul needs?" So the question I set in the game was: "I really Do you want to go to Hualien for work and accommodation?”

The information I got at the end is really accurate and rich. Now that I have returned from Hualien, I can only say that the whole card is amazing...it's as accurate as a prophecy~!

The third angel card on the PS spiritual layer and the five white cards on the right are the remaining cards in the envelope, which are taken out and matched, not at this level in the game.

I graduated with the Awareness + Service Card at the 4 levels of body, emotion, mind, and spirituality. After listening to my friends, I realized that this is a special thing, and it also made me realize that this is also a message: I have always been in the They are very good at self-awareness and very talented, and my awareness card is full to overflowing XD

It's very interesting that I just had one more awareness card for each of the first three levels. After the game, I found that they just formed a message reminder: "Fitness", "Cheer Up", "Extend" - I need to start moving at the physical level. , the emotional aspect reminded me that I always forget to praise and encourage myself, and the mental aspect I began to expand the abilities of reason and mind.

And my theme angel card "Fusion", which echoes the cards from the beginning to the end, allows me to incorporate the message of combination, and start learning to integrate and balance myself with various external people and things. Oneself, the environment, the world, and the flow of the whole/life. (also fused these three cards lol)

There is also a small part in the game that impressed me very much. I encountered two situations that just contrasted and made me feel the difference: one is to make choices based on inner intuition, and the other is to make choices based on free will. I have always been confident. I thought that my free will and inner intuition should be the same, but I didn't expect the current experience to be a different answer, which was quite shocking, but I forgot which card I drew at that time to feel this way, it should be It is related to my topic. If you sort it out, free will and intuition should be the same answer! I think~

body level

1. The physical level told me that going to Hualien is the beginning of another stage/story in my life. I used to deal with and digest my emotions in my own world. Getting up and starting to practice and develop my own perseverance and discipline (e.g. going to bed early, exercising, working hours) so that growing up will make me more beautiful and great. It also reminds me to remember to agree and praise myself. (Ps Going to bed early and getting up early on the environmental energy of Hualien does not require perseverance at all, it is a natural discipline)

emotional hierarchy

2. The information at this level of emotional level is really amazing!!! It completely corresponds to my situation in Hualien and even helped me to judge and act at the moment!
The active & expressive in the card corresponds to "the first to communicate and resolve the dispute", and the compassion & submissive corresponds to "you only forcibly change the whole situation for your own needs": I was in the painful and tangled night in Hualien ( when the blue storm came The night of Raid 2 ) when I was overwhelmed, I flipped through the photos and looked at these cards, which reminded me to take the initiative to express my emotions and situation, otherwise I would feel bored and uncomfortable, and others would not know, and reminded me that even if I was a The other party is negligent and wrong first, and I have to maintain a compassionate heart to tolerate, and then think about their position and the overall situation from a broader perspective, so I sent a message to the boss in a soft way without negative emotions. The situation, the next morning, I also informed directly in person, actively communicated this matter, I think it was handled properly, really thanks to these cards for the tips!
In the process, I was helpless and worried, and I kept cheering for myself (from my Hualien story, you can see that I kept comforting myself, telling myself not to worry, it will be fine)

Mental level - I don't have any feeling or connection to the 4 extra awareness cards next to it. I intuitively feel that the 4 cards are simply for me to exchange for the awareness cards of the next level (every two can be exchanged for the next level. an awareness card)

3. Mental Hierarchy
(1) Wit, perception, creativity, introspection (introspection/self-awareness), attentiveness, assistance, the awareness cards at this level seem to be consistent with my talents, and these keywords connect me to my own Advantages, and the Angel Card "Relax" reminds me that my head is always on the horns, thinking too much and running, the angel is reminding me to relax my head! I have so many advantages! Don't worry, relax downstream, I It will function normally!

(2) Taking a step back does not mean you are defeated. You can find the value of slow life even more. This is also a card that I am very important to remind me in the adversity of Hualien. I am wondering whether I should leave or stay. I will If I choose to leave, will it mean that I have failed, been denied or lost something, but in the end, I really experienced the value of the so-called slow life and gained a very rich gift (see when the blue storm hits ). 6 )

(3) "I have to do it every time, no one cares, no one notices, and no one will help me!" - I realized that this was related to some of my victim plot topics at the moment of the game. , a lot of times I always look aggrieved and pitiful, wanting to be loved and to be loved (the degenerate state derived from long-term deprivation when I was a child), and such inner beliefs and topics have really manifested in my trip to Hualien ( For details, please refer to when the blue storm hits 3. At that time, I also noticed the information of this card again), and then I completely released this deep and deep subject emotion for myself during the journey.

spiritual level

4. Spiritual level
(1) The trip to Hualien deeply purifies me, and I learn to let go of the flow again and explore the unknown (fearful but challenging stimulation is also fun), it is really a very deep and wonderful life journey , feel that life has a new progress

(2) Angel card "Education" - this is the most profound card in my game. When I saw him, my heart seemed to be shocked. I realized that I have always been attracted by education, and I have always been attracted by education. I have been doing things related to education since then, it seems to be telling me that "education" is the mission of my soul, the biggest purpose of my coming to earth, (in response to another angel card - beautiful) and when I live out myself That light must be very beautiful!

The third angel card & the 5 white cards on the right are drawn at the beginning of the game and placed in the envelope (representing the subconscious mind), and the remaining small cards are

1. Angel Card - Authenticity: "Authenticity" has always been my very core and soul quality, and it is also the first impression or quality I often hear from others. This is also my very precious value.

2. Step out and cross the boundary between dreams and life dramas, and enter the reality of life: I used to know myself and deal with emotions in my own small circle, and there was not much difference between landing and feeling reality. Recently, it just happened. Begin to feel the distance between the two and try to draw them closer and know yourself better

3. Vulnerability is the perfect protective power, and being true to yourself is harmless: this perfectly echoes the state I have always been in, and also the "soft power" when I went to FuYu's Nature to extract essential oils (see Danglan for details). The storm is coming 5 ), which is exactly what I faced in Hualien in May and found my own value

4. My Compassionate Personality: Reminds Me to Keep & Unleash My Inner Compassion

5. You want to trust others, but the fear of being played like a fool in the past overwhelms your friendly nature: yes! Totally! I do have issues of past and hurt that make me afraid to give, remind myself that now I don't need to be afraid anymore, let go of those fears and learn to protect myself, so that I can be free and open to give without hurting

6. Always see the worst in people? Always expect the worst? No wonder you live in a hostile and painful world: I used to be really used to criticizing, seeing the bad and complaining , and some topics that make me tired of the world and feel that the world is bad (corresponding to the release of the topic in When the Blue Storm Strikes 3 ), reminding me to look at the other side and the good side of things, learn to love the world, be tolerant, compassionate and patient deal with imperfections in a way that creates a loving reality, living environment, and world


Metamorphosis Game This board game is really amazing! If I have a studio in the future, I really want to start with him! Really amazing~~~!! Thanks to my friend for leading me to experience this board game, and by the way, I recommend my friend's fan special book conditioning studio , his main service is body conditioning ~ he is a very interesting soul !


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