[Reprint] You owe me a thank you!


Big last month.

The toilet of a household on the ninth floor was blocked, and sewage was running everywhere.

The head of the household is a fat middle-aged man. I don't know which toilet is blocked. You guys are cramping and don't want to apply for repairs.

For the first few days, he locked the toilet door and concealed from his family that the sewer was blocked.

But the taste is unstoppable.

He looked at his wife covering her nose with disgust and fiery temper, and only then did he decide to explain part of the situation.

However, it is emphasized that the backwater of the toilet is "blockable and controllable", so there is no need to panic.

A few more days passed.

Fatty's entire house was filled with sewage, and the unbearable stench permeated the corridors, elevators, and even the upper and lower floors.

Neighbors volunteered and offered to help the fat man go to the toilet.

But the fat man refused.

The stench was really unbearable, and the fat man didn't allow outsiders to repair it, so the neighbors had to stay behind closed doors.

Seeing this, the fat man angrily scolded in the community WeChat group:

"Neighbors are destroying neighbors! This is discrimination!"

The sewage shows no sign of stopping at all.

Finally soaked the floor and flowed out the door.

——Neighbors on the same floor began to pile sandbags at their gates to prevent sewage from pouring back.

——The downstairs is unlucky, seeing the sewage leaking from the ceiling, but there is nothing to do.

——The water was hot and hot upstairs, and the pungent stench penetrated the whole room even if the windows were blocked.

On the contrary, the fat man was arrogant, because the amount of backwater in the toilet these days was lower than that of the previous days.

Even began to laugh at the surrounding residents:

"You idiots! My family took the lead and demonstrated how to clear the sewers, but you can't even copy homework?"

Of course.

No one knows how the fat man counts the amount of anti-water.

But everyone knows that the data is likely to be false.

Finally yesterday.

Fatty announced in the community's WeChat group that he had successfully unclogged the toilet, and the backwater was under control.

Although he still locked the toilet.

The surrounding residents were soaked in sewage for a month-

- The sandbags of the neighbor's house were smashed and the floor was rotten.

——The ceiling downstairs is broken, and sewage drips all over the house.

——The house upstairs has been smoked to the point where it can't smell the original smell, and the stench got into the wood, clothes, wall paint, everywhere.

Fat Man started to advertise his right leadership and great victory.

Shouted to all residents to apologize for "discriminating" against him.

Ask all residents to say "thank you" to him—

——If I hadn't sacrificed myself and locked the toilet early in the morning, you would only have had a worse life!

The WeChat group is full of complacent messages from fat people.

But is the toilet unblocked?

downstairs do not know;

upstairs do not know;

neighbors do not know;

The fat man's wife does not know;

Maybe even the fat man didn't know it.

Fatty says every day that all the residents owe him a personal thank you.


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