[MetaMask registration tutorial] 3 minutes to register the little fox wallet MetaMask!

In the cryptocurrency world, I believe you often hear "Little Fox Wallet - MetaMask", so today I will teach you how to register for MetaMask~ Follow the steps and let you complete the registration within 3 minutes!!!
Original link to encryption novice Gino

Introduction to MetaMask

In the cryptocurrency world, wallets are often used to store your cryptocurrencies, NFTs, etc. Wallets are divided into hot wallets and cold wallets

The MetaMask to be introduced in this article is a "hot wallet" , and it has a mobile version and a computer version.
allows you to buy, store, exchange, and trade virtual currencies, manage your digital assets, and connect to decentralized exchanges, platforms, etc. on the blockchain through browser extensions.

It is the "little fox wallet" that everyone often talks about!!!
Basically, when operating in the currency circle, several small fox wallets will be registered~

MetaMask Registration Teaching

Go to MetaMask official website ( https://metamask.io/ ), click " Download now "

There are different versions of Chrome, iOS, Android, browser supports Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge

If you are using Chrome, it will jump to the online app store and add it to the extension

Confirm new extension

Next, it will jump out by itself, click "Get Started" , and select "Create Wallet" for the first time

MetaMask will ask you to help them improve, and will not collect your personal data, passwords, mnemonics, etc.

Next, create your password. This password is mainly to facilitate your login later.

The next step is the most important step, which is almost all you need to do to build a hot wallet, which is to remember your "memory words"

He is composed of 12 English words , which should be written down in order!!!
After that, if you change your phone and change your computer, you need to log in to him!!!

Write down the mnemonic words displayed in the box, and write them down with paper and pen!!!
Hackers can still steal your password as long as you have an internet-connected device, so it's best to write it down with pen and paper

After copying it down, he will give you a quiz, you just follow the English words you just wrote down, choose in order and you are done!

Come to the main screen of MetaMask, the frame part is the address of your wallet. If you want to transfer money, just click the red frame part and it will be copied~

The above is today's MetaMask registration teaching, I believe you have already registered MetaMask with me!!!

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📕 Other teaching articles and registration links
【MEXC Exchange】4 Features of Matcha Exchange, a must-learn for cryptocurrency beginners!!! │ ☑️Register MEXC
【Introduction to Cryptocurrency】How to buy cryptocurrency for beginners? 7 steps super complete teaching!!!


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