The Story of the Voice | Lunch Break

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In a quiet office, not even the air-conditioning dared to breathe loudly.
She tapped the keyboard hard, pulled open the drawer forcefully, picked up the item forcefully, and closed it rudely.
She felt that she could look neat and stylish in this way.


So, she continued to bite hard on the dishes in the bento, making as much crunchy sound as possible from her mouth, the louder the better.


Then she hurried to the kitchen counter with the bento box, turned on the largest water column, and scrubbed vigorously, as if she was afraid that the people in the room would not know how capable and quick she was.

The sound of the water column is like a timer to wake up people who are taking a lunch break, and it goes far and wide.
People are silent, like an endless inner drama.
People can't see the voice-over in the other's heart, just as time doesn't stand still because of my stillness.


Suddenly, the streaming sound of the film's music cut through the silence, and everyone looked towards the source of the sound. He paused the film as if nothing had happened, turned it into headphone output, and put on the headphones.

Disturbed by the brief sound of the video, she glanced quietly at his screen. The screen is showing the pictures of trains traveling from the platforms of Japanese stations, and the cycle goes on and on.

What could have made him look at her so fascinatedly that he didn't even notice her presence? Or, just pretending that the other doesn't exist?


She returned to her seat, the voice just now kept ringing in her mind, and the short voice evoked the memory of life in Japan. Since when did the sound of the station make her feel so uneasy? She never realized the problem, thinking in confusion.

The footsteps of memories came with an uncomfortable warning sound. The warning sound that rang regularly on the quiet platform made people so terrified and nostalgic, reverberating with love and hate. Nervous emotions sprang up and spread from the depths of the body, like an invisible hand turning the wheel of time, and the hurried time of commuting to work and catching the tram seemed to be in the moment.


She remembered the trail that connected the dormitory and the desolate grass at the station, which was the only way to go out. In the early morning, there is a faint light in the sky, the green grass and the smell of morning dew, and occasionally crows accompany you, even if you are alone, you still don’t feel lonely. However, every time the night fell, the black cat that suddenly sprang from the grass beside the cemetery, the migration of crows all over the mountain, and the slightest disturbance made her feel scared.


She suddenly remembered that a strange man appeared near the dormitory one weekend, wearing sunglasses and a fisherman's hat, looking around the dormitory, as if planning something, and not leaving for several hours. She was so frightened that she ran home when the man wasn't paying attention and contacted the boy who lived five stops away, but the boy thought she was making a fuss. The Japanese countryside was very safe and asked her not to think too much. That weekend, she locked herself in the room, closed the doors and windows, didn't even dare to turn on the lights, and pretended that no one was at home until the strange man left...

The fear buried in the subconscious is actually excavated by the sound of the video for a few seconds and continues to emerge.


The lunch break will end in fifteen minutes, and she gently strokes her tight chest, soothing her emotions like a mother soothes a baby. After taking a sip of water, she held her chin and stared out the window in shock. This was her way of clearing her mind.

At the end of the lunch break, all the lights in the office were turned on, and her seat, which was originally dark, instantly became bright.


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