[Focus News: Attacking social design actors, the next one is you]


[Reporter pulls the bottom 🕵️‍♀️/Comprehensive report] Time flies, time flies, and here comes the last report of this series! After seeing so many people injecting power into society💪🏼, are you also gearing up to become the next social design actor ? Not much to say, hurry up and get to the bottom of the reporter to find out~

🔍Social design actors work together

After spending three months together, do you have a new understanding of social design 👀~ Are you still not satisfied after reading this series of reports? Or are you still hesitating and holding back? It doesn't matter, the reporter has helped you find a series of book lists📖, websites💻 , competitions🏆 and space🚪 resources to meet different types of needs. If you are ready, follow Ah Fan, Kuti and Baker on the mission🦸🏻!

🔍If I want to "gain knowledge of social design"

You are a little bookworm like the bottom, do you like to learn knowledge from words? Then you can't miss this one! Three types of books related to social design have been carefully selected for you to choose~

1. Humanities Community

If you care about the community 🏘 and the people 👨‍👦‍👦, then emphasize the use of social infrastructure to strengthen social resilience and build a community mutual aid network. No one is an island: Using "social infrastructure" to reverse the loss of civil society Mildness and Indifference ; or with the ideal appearance of the 21st century community as the main axis to regenerate and revitalize the area, "The Era of Community Design: Created with the Concept of "Uncreated Design" , written by well-known Japanese designer Ryo Yamazaki The Ideal Society of the 21st Century" ; and "Place Design: Extracting the Charm of the Land and Mining the Value of the Place" , which extracts the charm of the land and creates a sense of place through design as a medium, I believe they can bring you new discoveries!

2. Natural Sustainability

If you care about sustainability♻️, green energy☀️, then visit various countries, combine green economy and urban design revolution "Good City: Green Design, Slow Philosophy, Start the Future Urban Reconstruction Plan" , with the theory of design thinking and bionics Based on "Starting Circular Economy: The Way of Coexistence of Nature and Economy" , which is expected to trigger the deep transformation of thought and society, it may give you new inspiration!

3. Impact investing

Want to make an impact through investing 💰 like Baker? The "Impact Investing: Not only do good, but also get rich, change the world with your investment", which focuses on the win-win of corporate profits and social benefits, and "Impact" , which explains how consumers, investors, enterprises and governments can create real impact . Force Revolution: Reinventing Capitalism, Driving Substantial Change" will be a good choice for you!

🔍If I want to "collect social design ideas"

Want to know about social design projects at home and abroad📝? Want to know about organizations that practice social action ? There are many websites that provide relevant information ! Let's take a look together~

1. Collect "Social Enterprise Streams" on various SDGs-related topics, whether it is case reports, commentary articles, or events and talent recruitment information!

2. The " Social Innovation Platform " is hosted by the Small and Medium Enterprise Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs . It gathers government resources, raises projects and various activities information. If you don't want to miss social innovation news, just follow it~

3. " Shopping Design " is a collection of ideas💭, collecting exhibitions and design objects from various parties, and also publishing magazines for paper reading, which will definitely make you dazzled and linger!

4. " La Plateforme Socialdesign " is a social design platform based in France , which brings together social civic actors, designers, architects and creative people of cultural associations to try to break down barriers between each other and provide social Designed educational resources.

5. " Design Council " is the UK's Design Council , serving as a bridge between the people and the government🌉, working hand in hand with companies and charities, proposing plans to influence policies and encouraging public debate, aiming to solve social problems through design, make life better.

🔍If I want to "enter the social design competition"

Have an idea for social design, but haven't been able to see it? Hurry up and sign up for the competition, and realize the social design in your heart !

1. The " Tely Home Furnishing Cup Design Competition " , which connects academia and industry, is committed to cultivating the seed talents of social design . With space, furniture and supplies as the core, students from all departments related to design in Taiwan can participate, hoping that they can use design practice to contribute to society. , land, future love, the highest prize is 80,000 yuan!

2. The " Stanford Longevity Center Design Competition Asia Competition " , which focuses on the age of aging buildings🏚 and population aging👴🏻, expects young generations to take the initiative to challenge cross-generational co-creation and explore a new way of longevity. Solve the party, and the winning team will receive a maximum subsidy of 45,000 yuan!

3. Whether you are a student, designer or enterprise, you can apply for the " Golden Pin Design Award " or " Golden Pin Conceptual Design Award " planned and organized by the Taiwan Institute of Design every year, whether you are listed or unlisted! The Circular Design Exhibition, THE LOOP , introduced earlier is one of the winners of this year's Golden Pin Design Award in the Integrated Design category!

4. The " TiC100 Social Innovation Practitioners " with the theme of community creation , social issues and technological and social innovation📱 will compete in teams of two to five people. Anyone over the age of 18 can sign up to participate ~ the winning team will also enter the final selection. You can get up to 100,000 yuan of entrepreneurial funds!

5. " GOOD DESIGN AWARD " from Japan focuses on five themes: human nature, authenticity, creativity, charm and ethics . The winners will receive the logo "G Mark" to represent good design, and have the opportunity to be published in magazines and displayed in Special counters in shopping malls can also participate in exhibitions in Japan and abroad , greatly improving the opportunity to promote the winning design!

6. " iF DESIGN AWARD " is a German design award , which is well-known internationally and is only open to professionals. It doesn't matter if you are a student, there is a " iF DESIGN TALENT AWARD " specially designed for students to participate in. In addition, the social impact award " iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE " specifically supports actions to achieve SDGs and improve society .

Doing what you like can also earn bonuses, increase popularity, and expand influence~

🔍If I want to "Meet Social Design Partners"

Looking for like-minded partners 🙌? Want to move into a co-working space to practice your ideals with people? Come and see what the place is!

1. The " Social Innovation Experiment Center " in Taipei City, managed by the Small and Medium Business Division of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, was formerly known as the Air Force Headquarters. Through the opening of the space and the provision of venues for performances and activities, more people are invited to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) , to achieve the goal of cultivation and cross-domain communication .

2. " Taipei NPO Settlement " renovated old teachers' homes and turned it into a gathering place for social innovation organizations ! There are not only flexible and diverse office and co-working spaces , but also event spaces to hold lectures or workshops. After a simple online application process, a written review, and an interview pass, you can move in smoothly!

3. " Betterspace " is located in London, UK . It acts as a co-working space and an incubator , promoting cooperation between social enterprises , entrepreneurs and freelancers , while aiming to support the local economy and assist residents to obtain jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities. Not only a variety of meeting rooms, discussion rooms, communication places, but also seminars and other educational activities are provided.

4. " Impact Hub " has more than 100 physical locations around the world, spanning more than 50 countries, including Taiwan, to establish an influential entrepreneurial community . Connect entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, public sector and civil society organizations and more. Taking the physical Hub spaces in various places as a carrier, it promotes members from different backgrounds and majors to connect, communicate and cooperate with each other. It is expected to have a positive impact on global sustainable development and open up more substantial actions .

What are you waiting for? Remember to pay attention to the entry schedule and apply now!

The end of the "Attack on the Global Exploration of Social Design" is the starting point for more social design actors. This road may be rough and difficult🏞, but don't forget that there will be a group of friends who will accompany you to cry and laugh with you. You practice your ideals together 🏃🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️~

I don't know if you have found that this series of reports has some contemporary animations or memes that pay tribute to some contemporary animations or memes. Go back and find out if you know anyone!

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Directed/Verified by: Achó


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