«Five Minutes Before Night»: Who are we all? Who is in love with?


"My love, left in the world five minutes ago."

The whole work is divided into two parts, A and B. I thought it was written from different perspectives, but it turned out to be just like the first and second episodes.

If you only look at part A, it will be very boring.

The story revolves around the hero's work at the beginning, using a first-person perspective, but it is boring because of the lack of emotion and mentality of the hero's psychology, and from beginning to end, the hero's name never appears, in the book, also The male protagonist "this person" is constantly defined by the opinions and comments of others.

Feeling bored with the world, living the future as if seeing the end, and feeling empty inside.

And in the book, we also immediately read that the male protagonist "seems" because the blow of his girlfriend's death six years ago has not come out yet, but he himself, like that cold and empty emotion, has nothing to do with her and her past. seems so indifferent.

What a ruthless guy.

Seeing this, I believe everyone thinks so.

The heroine - Xia only appeared in half of the A part. The opportunity for the encounter was a lipstick related to the male lead's work. From here, it can be clearly found that the male lead's psychology has undergone significant emotional changes, while Xia's The appearance also brought countless shocks to the male protagonist.

First, it's the twin troubles.

Xia was always troubled by the meaning and necessity of her existence because she was too similar to her sister, and awakened the male protagonist to reflect on himself; if anyone is like this, if they only rely on the fetters and emotions with others to identify themselves, they lack these two. What is the meaning of existence?

The male protagonist is also unable to distinguish the difference between Xia and his sister-Zi, but in the process of observation and thinking, he has an "interesting" idea, and a completely different love experience from the past has gradually broken the male protagonist's stay five minutes ago. Love.

He confessed to loving her.

As for the deceased ex-girlfriend Shui Sui, after Xia died, in order to complete the agreement with Xia, he went to the cemetery for the appointment, and then he deeply realized that even if it was a short-term and green first love, he really loved Shui. spike.

It was Xia's death that made him realize this.

The accident of a train completely overturned the lives of the four people. Neither the male protagonist nor Zi's fiance, Ozaki, could tell exactly who the surviving returnees were.

I fell in love with Xia, then, who is Xia? Is the person in front of you Xia or Zi?

Also for the deceased ex-girlfriend, Xia's existence is more profound than Mizusui; because of Zi. He didn't dare to contact the woman named "Zi" again, and he was even more afraid that it was actually Xia, in order to realize her former relationship.

At the meeting at the invitation of Ozaki, the male protagonist met Zi, and it can be said to be Xia. No one can tell them apart anymore, including herself. Zi confessed that he had the memories of the two in his mind at the same time.

Confusion, unease and fear hit her in an instant.

But the only thing she can confirm is that she is purple, so she must live with Ozaki.

Can only bury another feeling that belongs to Xia.

Who are we all? Who is in love with?

At some point in a relationship, there will always be some doubts, whether it is attracting or repelling, and how to experience and discover with love the places with different personalities?


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小夜燈下雨天適合伏案寫作(業)(YA) 主要分享讀後感、回憶錄、雜談系列◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗
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