2022.8.16 Hong Kong Court News Compilation

法庭線 The Witness
Spotlight: 47-person case | News: Secretary for Justice Lam Ting-kwok instructs no jury to be tried by 3 appointed judges; Viet Spa involved in prostitution case | Cai Zhanpeng was present at the scene when he confessed to police anti-pornography since mid-2020. Denied sex service

"Court Line" is a Hong Kong court media that started operation in May 2022. It was founded by former court reporters. It adheres to the principles of independent, accurate and impartial journalism. It hopes to continue to witness records in Hong Kong and the court scene in the ever-changing era. All reports are open to the public free of charge, and rely on readers to pay subscriptions to support operations. "Court Line" website and subscription support on various platforms


The 47-person case | News: Secretary for Justice Lam Ting-kwok instructs no jury to be tried by 3 appointed judges

Viet Spa involved in prostitution case|Cai Zhanpeng admitted to the police and was present during the anti-pornography investigation, visited 4 to 5 times since mid-2020 and denied having sexual services

|Social Movement|

Guangcheng Case|7 Men and women intend to plead guilty to all 8.20 Formal defense and defense: they want to plead after the appeal of the Lu Shiyu case

7.21 Men in White | 63-year-old man involved in rioting

Ngau Tau Kok convicted of illegal assembly, 21-year-old student appeals conviction, saying that wearing black clothes alone cannot prove participation in illegal assembly

Youth gang "Jian Zai" lost contact for more than a year and a half, arrested for violating a probation order and sentenced to a drug rehabilitation center

Accused of posting anti-amendment articles in Kwai Chung, 13 people were charged with criminal damage and other crimes, the sheriff confessed that the defendants acted in groups


Cathay Pacific's two former airmen were involved in anti-epidemic cases, saying that visiting friends and having lunch outside belonged to Cathay Pacific's emails, allowing the prosecution to question insincere beliefs

Husband and wife involved in conspiracy to rape Filipino maid|The victim's friend recounted the case and the defense questioned that there was a discrepancy with the victim's statement in court

20-year-old man sentenced to prison for selling fake MIRROR tickets


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法庭線 The Witness香港法庭媒體,由前法庭記者創立,秉持獨立、準確和持平的新聞原則。報道全部免費向公眾開放,有賴讀者付費月訂或年訂支持營運。 |網站及各平台:https://linktr.ee/thewitnesshk |付費訂閱:https://bit.ly/3l9vWC4
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