Introduction and Table of Contents of "Notes on Survival in the Digital Totalitarian Era" Version 3.0


"Notes on Survival in the Age of Digital Totalitarianism" Version 3.0
GitHub Pages:
Short link:
GitHub repo:

reconsidera (reconsider+a) was adapted from the acronym for Record Of Survival In Digital Totalitarian Era.


Changes in the way of publishing

Version 3.0 of "Notes on Survival in the Age of Digital Totalitarianism" will be released using GitHub Pages instead. The benefits of using GitHub/GitHub Pages over other platforms are:
- Native support for Markdown
- Native support for Git
- Anti-censorship/blocking China's Internet industry is highly dependent on GitHub, and it is not economical to completely block it (GitHub Pages can still be blocked, but at least the repositories that store manuscripts can be accessed without overturning the wall)

Different from the conventional static website construction method based on GitHub Pages, the construction of is completely carried out in the browser, without the use of command line tools throughout the process. This idea of using GitHub Pages "out of the box" stems from the terminus-jekyll-template used by Terminus and its upstream kiko-now and Jekyll Now .

However, Jekyll, the default static website generator of GitHub Pages, does not provide a theme similar to GitBook. Luterngun finally chose VuePress, which is used by many open source projects to produce technical documents, as the generator, and used GitHub Actions to automate the deployment of websites.

Changes in the content of the work

- Adjusted chapter arrangement, divided into breaking through network blockade, resisting information censorship, defending digital rights, and side story
- Added "lazy bag" before the text
- Added new advanced reference tutorial in appendix
- Removed items that haven't been updated for a long time
- Removed projects with limited influence and difficult to popularize
- Indicate whether the recommended software is [free and open source software], or whether it is [public source code]
- Referring to the early content of the blog on Programming Caprice, increased the weight of the technical principle part
- Corrected some cognitive errors (such as confusion about pre-proxies and bridges)
- Responded to events such as the termination of services by many well-known agency service providers in early 2020 and early 2021, netizens in many places being fined for jumping over the wall, and the Hong Kong police citing the National Security Law to block the Internet.
- No longer treat Hong Kong differently from mainland China (remove Yaji Space Card, and traditional VPNs that are currently available in Hong Kong but can be easily blocked by the authorities)

Introduction of limited collaboration

In response to slash 's comment "Is it possible to make a copy on a platform that can be shared? I am very willing to contribute content", "Digital Totalitarian Age Survival Notes" version 3.0 will introduce limited collaboration - if you want to correct the work in the work Bugs, contributions, or suggestions, please file an Issue on GitHub.

You are also free to modify, recreate and distribute this work under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA 4.0) license.

Version 3.0 Catalog

Self-ordering lazy bag

Chapter 1 Breaking Through the Internet Blockade
1. General Discussion on GFW and Overcoming the Wall
2. Inventory of common wall-climbing tools
3. Selection and use of wall-climbing tools
4. Get an out-of-zone Apple ID

Chapter II Resistance to Information Censorship
5. Retention and dissemination of 404 information
6. Access to 404 Information

Chapter 3 Defending Digital Rights
7. General advice on information security protection
8. A Beginner's Tutorial on Anonymous Internet Access
9. Incomplete Guide to Tor Browser
10. General Discussion of Instant Messaging Applications
11. Selection of bearer numbers
12. Incomplete Guide to Telegram

Chapter 4 Extra Story
13. Simple application of encryption tools
14. A Preliminary Study of the Decentralized Network
15. A Preliminary Study of Cryptocurrencies



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