Why compare with others?

Nicy 分享日常
If you are moving forward and firmly know that your path will not give up, then you don't have to compare yourself to others. But if you face adversity and lack sustained motivation, comparing yourself to others may be a good reminder.

Remember this phrase, hopefully it will help you from now on until you decide to compare yourself with yourself. Because in the end everyone has their own timeline, you are not ahead, you are not behind, you have to complete your own personal game.

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Nicy 分享日常喜歡哲學, 正能量,還有分享一些生活上有趣的領悟。 如果你也像我一樣喜歡接收正能量,散播正能量, 不妨按下追蹤,點個讚給予我力量。
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