Match Cantonese School|Lesson 2

camera first
so hungry...

camera eclipse first soeng2 gei1 sik6 sin1

In Cantonese, soeng2 gei1 camera means camera, sik6 食 means food, and sin1 comes first. Cantonese will turn the mandarin "eat first" into action before eating first, never say I eat first, written language means camera eat first. It describes a phenomenon, I guess not only in Hong Kong, many people will eat before enjoying food The food is photographed and posted to social media first, so it's like the camera eats the food first. Whenever we go out to eat, we say this and pull out our cameras, but not me, the man in the picture. 😂

I would like to ask friends in Taiwan and mainland China, do you have a word for this phenomenon in your place? 😀


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