


Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, a month had passed.

Today, my roommate's fellow brought us a good dish, stir-fried hot peppers. My roommate said it was too spicy and asked us if we could eat it. I have been able to eat spicy food since I was a child. These are delicious for me, and my roommate said he After staying in Hunan and Guizhou for several years, chili is not a problem, so we both brought over the chili fried by his fellow villager. We both had spicy "suck, suck", but we ate it with great relish, and we haven't eaten it for a long time. It's so spicy that my tongue can't stand it anymore. We both understand that the delicious food we eat now will be uncomfortable when we go to the toilet. , We both finished our two meals, and it was enjoyable anyway.

At night, it seems that my stomach is a little uncomfortable. I always want to go to the toilet, and so does my roommate. For a while, the two of us need to grab the toilet. The power of this pepper is indeed very strong. The roommate said: "This pepper is eaten for a while It’s refreshing for a while, and it’s always refreshing to eat, and after the mouth is cool, the buttocks will feel uncomfortable.” The roommate’s description is very graphic (I won’t describe it here, haha), it may be that we rarely eat such spicy peppers for a long time, gastrointestinal Discomfort is also normal, but this spicy taste is really authentic and has a hometown feel.

The roommate said: "Think about tomorrow morning, it must be time for a bad ass again."

I laugh while saying nothing! ! ! Hahahaha 😄


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