CoinEx Charity|Support Humanitarian Aid and Advocate Concern about Hunger


According to the 2021 Global Hunger Index report, nearly 1 billion people on the planet are starving, of which 810 million cannot eat enough, and 41 million are on the brink of death due to hunger. In addition, food insecurity figures are on the rise as the global hunger problem increases.

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Contribute to "End Hunger"

The main causes of hunger are generally conflict, climate and economic challenges. The number one driver of hunger on Earth is human-made conflict. The conflict has torn families apart, destroyed infrastructure and disrupted food production, and pushed 80 million innocent civilians into the most extreme conditions of starvation. Another factor is extreme weather such as heavy rains, tropical storms, hurricanes, floods and droughts, which wreak havoc on most vulnerable countries, especially places like Afghanistan, Angola, Haiti and Syria. Meanwhile, the economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic remain and are expected to continue to drive up food prices and exacerbate hunger.

As a global charitable organization, CoinEx Charity adheres to the mission of "making the world a better place through blockchain" and has established a 10-million-dollar charitable fund, which will be used to assist families in starving areas. CoinEx Charity will contribute to the "elimination of global hunger" through post-disaster assistance, food donations, donations and other humanitarian relief public welfare actions.

When disaster strikes, CoinEx Charity has been

Nigeria is one of the countries most vulnerable to catastrophic hunger, where conflict and poverty persist. Armed insurgent attacks have forced 3 million Nigerians from their homes and 13 million are suffering from starvation. In December 2021, CoinEx Charity donated love kits to children in local hospitals in Nigeria, helping disadvantaged children by donating practical living items.

The strongest typhoon Rai hit the Philippines on January 20, 2022, brought torrential rain, strong winds, storm surges and landslides as the typhoon made landfall, destroying houses and flooding roads. CoinEx Charity launched emergency rescue work in the Philippines for the first time, dispatched support teams to the three most severely affected areas, and made emergency donations to the local government. The support team of CoinEx Charity visited the local people in the disaster-stricken areas and distributed 300 daily necessities, including rice, noodles, sardines, water, bread, biscuits and other daily necessities to ensure the food and clothing of the local disaster-stricken people.

On the occasion of the 2022 New Year in Iran, CoinEx Charity organized a humanitarian aid charity poverty alleviation event in a village on the outskirts of Isfahan province. The poverty alleviation activities mainly consisted of visiting remote villages with poor living conditions in Isfahan, Iran, and donating love food packages to 100 poor families, including red dates, rice, tuna, pasta, soybeans, tomato sauce, oil and other materials. And send New Year's greetings.

Whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made conflict, CoinEx Charity hopes to bring love and warmth to the disaster-stricken and starving people and help them return to a normal life through charity relief.

Addressing hunger is the key to peace and stability

Hunger and conflict are a vicious circle. Where there is conflict, there is hunger; where there is hunger, there is conflict. Hunger hampers economies and robs generations of opportunities to reach their potential. It is urgent to solve the problem of global hunger. CoinEx Charity looks forward to joining hands with other charities to help achieve the sustainable development goals of the United Nations on "Zero Hunger". It also calls on countries and other charities around the world to pay more attention to the hungry and use charitable power to help more people. many people.

To do charity, CoinEx Charity is always on the way. CoinEx Charity will actively carry forward the humanitarian spirit, continue to provide food for the most hungry and vulnerable people in the world, use charitable actions to publicize the responsibility and mission of public welfare around the world, promote the spirit of public welfare, and promote the development of global public welfare.


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