Childhood memory - rain


As a child, I was particularly impressed by the rain. Whenever it rains heavily, you can hear the rain hitting the roof making a pattering sound. Looking at the rain curtain falling from the eaves, I often reach out to pick it up, feel the impact of the raindrops, and then splash my face. Maybe we have a natural affinity for rain.

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As I got older, I began to notice the depressions washed out by raindrops on the stones under the eaves and the cement floor. I asked the adults, and I learned that raindrops also have power, and I understood the truth that water can pass through stones .

I still remember a game that adults liked to play with our children at that time, which was to pick up our children and gently spank our buttocks, asking us, while beating, whether it will be sunny or rainy tomorrow ? Huh, I didn't know what it meant at the time? Randomly answered one. But if we don't get the answer that adults want, we will continue to spank us until we get the answer they want.

When I grew up, I realized that sunny weather and rain are very important for adults engaged in agriculture. When the drought is long, I hope it will rain, and when I harvest, I hope the sky will be sunny.

In my childhood memories, the rain in spring is soft, the rain in summer is rough, the rain in autumn is gentle, and the rain in winter is cold.

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When I was a child, I liked the drizzle in spring the most. In the rain, my friends and I danced, sang and danced . The small animals also began to come out with the first rain of spring, and the trees began to recover and sprout, a thriving scene.

The summer rain usually comes in the afternoon. When it comes, there are dense clouds and strong winds. After a while, the bean-sized raindrops "pop" to the ground, and occasionally there will be lightning and thunder. Our little ones often rush home and hide before the raindrops fall.

In my memory, the autumn rain is gentle and usually comes early in the morning. When I wake up in the morning, I often see water droplets hanging on the trees, giving people a particularly clean and refreshing feeling . Autumn is the harvest season. Even if it rains, the adults are not affected by it, and they are happier.

The rain in winter is actually my least favorite. I would rather snow than rain. Because rain feels colder than snow . That kind of cold is the kind that you will feel shivering no matter how many clothes you wear.

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The rain in my childhood gave me good memories, let me know the change of seasons, let me experience the sorrow and happiness of adults, and also accompanied me to grow year by year . When I grew up and went to work in a different place, the rain was still the same, but the natural joy and happiness that I had when I was a child was gone. I really hope that childhood can come again.


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