Match Cantonese School|Lesson 1

The Match Cantonese School of Cantonese Teaching is officially starting classes. I have already helped Dading to sign up for a good name. There is no tuition fee. I'm not too young.... Don't say much, otherwise it will be the same as the first lesson

The picture is my own design, I hope you like it, it's all funny

Pay with you tung4 nei5 maai4 daan1

Paying the bill with you means paying the bill for you in Mandarin. However, you may have heard this phrase in some gangster movies, and the meaning is very different. Paying the bill means eliminating the bill. Kill like a bill. The real meaning of this situation is I'm going to kill you. Are you afraid? 😂


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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