Love | The best way to break up

Using text messages to break up, I think it is the way most people use nowadays, honestly speaking, it is definitely not a good way to break up, but it is better than suddenly disappearing and disappearing, without a single notification, and being broken up directly without knowing why.

A friend said that he broke up with his ex-girlfriend with just a breakup text message. Some people criticized him for being too irresponsible for such a breakup. He should make it clear face to face, and the breakup must be clear and clear!

But a friend said that the two of them would quarrel when they met, and they couldn't talk well at all, and they both knew that there was no "love" between the two, and they were just waiting for whoever opened the mouth to break up first, in order to leave a good impression on each other at the last moment , That's why he chose to break up by text message.

Is it wrong to break up by text message, he asked me?

I didn't answer his question, because two of my first three relationships broke up by sending text messages, and only the first relationship broke up through face-to-face talks.

Why would you break up with a text message? In fact, I also thought about making an appointment to meet and discuss it clearly, but in the later stage of the relationship between the two, we continued to have conflicts and quarrels. In one part, I tried my best to communicate, but the other party didn't seem to want to talk to me, so he kept taking money from me! take money! He didn't give him some money, so he didn't want to meet at all, and he just played with his mobile phone when we came out to meet, and didn't want to say a word to me.

I don't even want to talk, and I still have to make an appointment to meet, is it boring to say? I could only send a text message to break up. Fortunately, he still read the text message, and he agreed without hesitation.

Later, a friend analyzed that the reason why he kept taking money from me was to make me hate him. Although I broke up with him first, because at the beginning of the relationship, he clearly said; I still love you, or what happened between us, I won't mention breaking up, it's all up to you whether you want to date or not."

The other one, in the later stage, he didn't even bother to reply to my text messages, let alone ask him to meet. After I thought it through, I sent him a text message to discuss breaking up with him, but within 30 seconds he replied to me, asking me if I had seriously considered breaking up?

After I responded "yes", he immediately replied that he also agreed to break up, and also stated that it was I who wanted to break up, not him.

I'm talking from the experience of two breakups, that is, everyone doesn't want to mention the breakup first, because they don't want to be a bad person!

Using text messages to break up, I think it is the way most people use nowadays, honestly speaking, it is definitely not a good way to break up, but it is better than suddenly disappearing and disappearing, without a single notification, and being broken up directly without knowing why.

I have a girl who has faced such absurd things. She has been dating her boyfriend for three years. Just after she thinks that the two should move on to the next stage, after she puts forward her opinion, her boyfriend suddenly uses his busy work as an excuse After reducing the number of meetings, she reacted dissatisfied, and her boyfriend said that she needs to earn more money to be satisfied with marrying her and entering the next stage of life.

As a result, the meeting was reduced from four times a week to twice, then once, and then only once in two weeks, and then the company sent him on a business trip to other places. The place was relatively remote and difficult to contact. It took more than three months to find him. to people.

Later, the girl found her boyfriend holding hands with a woman in a shopping mall. When she went up to question her, her boyfriend actually said, "Didn't we break up already?"

It turned out that her boyfriend thought that he hadn't contacted him for three months, so he broke up by default. She didn't have to explain everything clearly, and she was broken up inexplicably. I think this is the worst way to break up.

For me, there is no best way to break up, but if it is really not suitable or love, you should break up properly, no matter what method you use, you must tell the other party that the relationship between us is over, not missing , Let people guess and wait. This is irresponsible!


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