How can a lifetime be enough!

At the end of the day, I think people with a wide range of interests are happiest. Open-minded people are the luckiest!
When I was in college, I set up a stall selling postcards at the Tiehua Village Art Market in Taitung City.

When I was a child, my ambition was to be a professor, a writer, then a boss and chairman (the above is when I was in elementary school), then I was a chef (this is when I was in middle school), and then when I was in high school, I wanted to open a store and be a boss, and I wanted to be too. Super backpacker, and a little bigger, in college, I want to be a journalist, social entrepreneur, travel photographer/creator, writer, lecturer.

Before leaving the society, all the above fields have been researched and invested intermittently. I have to say, except for professors, chairman of the board, reporters and social entrepreneurs, all others have been realized!!

And now after I'm out of the society? What do I want to be? This is even more amazing. What I want to do is to continue to extend my childhood dream, which is to integrate those realized and unrealized volunteers: chef, super backpacker, Journalist, Social Entrepreneur, Travel Photographer/Creator, Writer, Lecturer, Shop Owner!

And how to realize all these dreams, fortunately, I am a person who loves to learn and read books, so I know the best way is to complete one thing first (focus on the same meaning first), and when that is carried forward, the other It’s easy to handle! On the other hand, I have to focus on writing now, well, after the writing is really successfully published, I will derive the status of a lecturer, because I will be invited everywhere to speak, and then I can also combine my cooking skills. Art, stop by for cooking activities during speeches, and then use the holiday time to travel, take pictures, and even interview people's stories around the world, and then slowly find a place that I like very much, open a shop, and realize the dream of being a boss. !

I'm just so greedy! I'm always full of imagination, curiosity, enthusiasm, and I want to experience all of them and realize all of these dreams! Sometimes I feel like a lifetime is not enough! I don't like to hear people complaining Said: Ouch, I really don't want to live that long! Hello? Some people are trying so hard to live, but some people find it impatient to live too long. To be honest, apart from the physical pain and pain, this is of course a different matter, but if you I’m healthy, I’m fine, there are a lot of things I can do! At the end of the day, maybe it’s because I don’t know what I can do?! So you must cultivate more interests while you are young, the more the better, so that you won’t be bored and want to Live a day! Do what you love and you will be happy and lucky and your face will glow!

The conclusion is that I really feel that a lifetime is not enough!

After I wrote it, I felt that it was very similar to the tone of the writing of a fart kid. Please forgive me.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

小番薯星球在此連載第一本處女作《一路走到世界盡頭-一個女孩的朝聖之路To The End of The World-A Girl’s Pilgrimage》關於我徒步西班牙朝聖之路的精采故事。 我是小番薯,17歲開始獨自旅行,20歲走過西班牙朝聖之路後從此愛上西班牙,也在那邊念了碩士學位,從此結下了深深的緣分。 IG: @hanji_photography 臉書: @dreamwithhappy
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1-2 第一章 下一站,朝聖之路

《一路走到世界盡頭-一個女孩的朝聖之路 To The End of The World-A Girl’s Pilgrimage》 第一章 下一站,朝聖之路- 家庭革命
