English for daily life | Sweet and sour 😛 Express taste buds in English

Do you know how to say the sweet, sour, bitter, and spicy taste you taste when you eat? It depends on the tongue if you add more seasoning or less when cooking. Come and see how to say it in English. Oh 🎉

Sweet and sour taste when eating

Do you know how to say that kind of taste 🌝

When cooking, add more seasoning or less and rely on your tongue 😛

Come and see how to say English 😆

By the way, you can also learn to make sentences 🎉

1) sour 🍋

👉 sour; acidic is very sour; vinegary has acetic acid taste

📚Example sentences

👉These plums are a bit sour. These plums are a bit sour.

👉Lemons are both acidic and sugary. Citric acid is sour and sweet.

👉The wine was unpleasant and vinegary. This wine was unpleasant and had an acetic acid taste.

2) Sweet 🍭

👉 sweet; sugar is as sweet as sugar

📚Example sentences

👉 The pineapple was sweet and juicy. This pineapple was sweet and juicy.

👉 Sugary canned drinks rot your teeth. Sugary canned drinks can rot your teeth.

3) bitter

👉 bitter

📚Example sentences

👉 The berries have an extremely bitter taste.

👉 The coffee is too bitter for me to drink. This coffee is too bitter for me.

4) Spicy 🌶

👉 spicy spicy; pungent spicy, pungent

📚Example sentences

👉 Do you like spicy food? Do you like spicy food?

👉 The durian has a pungent smell. This durian has a pungent smell.

5) Salty 🍜

👉 salty salty; savoury salty, not sweet at all

📚Example sentences

👉This bacon is too salty for me. This bacon is too salty for me.

👉 A pie can be sweet or savoury.

Sweet , sour, bitter, salty and salty have taught you all 😂

Then you can use it more when eating with friends 💬

If you encounter delicious or inappropriate food in a restaurant 💡

You can also respond to the waiter 👍

Remember them slowly

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