Gold derivatives comparison, which one would you choose?

Gold has always been attractive in the investment market. Gold investors are all over the world. With the continuous development of the financial market, investors can find a variety of different gold products in the market. Although their investment objects are all gold, there are many different trading rules. , and even the investment returns will vary greatly. Let's talk about the comparison of gold derivatives. Which one would you choose?

Gold has always been attractive in the investment market. Gold investors are all over the world. With the continuous development of the financial market, investors can find a variety of different gold products in the market. Although their investment objects are all gold, there are many different trading rules. , and even the investment returns will vary greatly. Let's talk about the comparison of gold derivatives. Which one would you choose?

physical gold

Gold jewelry can both preserve value and have decorative uses, and many people are happy to buy them. Compared with jewelry, gold bullion saves the cost of casting and design, but its liquidity is lower. Compared with other gold investment products, the investment income of physical gold is small, but the risk is small and safer.

gold passbook

Also known as gold savings. Investors deposit a certain amount in the passbook according to the usual deposit method, and the bank buys gold for it. When withdrawing, it can be real gold or cash equivalent. This kind of gold product is more convenient than physical gold. Investors do not need to save gold, but only need to buy and sell online to complete the transaction.

spot gold

That is, international spot gold, also known as London gold T+0 trading form, is traded continuously for 24 hours from Monday to Friday, and the form of two-way buying up and down. This is a very flexible gold product, because it contains a margin system, flexible trading methods, and very high returns, which is very popular among investors. Compared with various gold derivatives, spot gold still has a great advantage.

Futures Gold

Futures Gold This is a futures contract based on the gold price at a certain point in the future in the international gold market. The profit and loss of investors buying and selling gold futures is measured by the gold price difference between the time of entry and exit. After the contract expires, it is Physical delivery. The investment threshold for futures gold is relatively high. Generally, investors rarely invest in this product, and more institutions invest in gold futures.

From the comparison of various gold derivatives above, it can be seen that different gold products have their own trading characteristics. If you choose a high-yield and high-risk gold product, investors should strictly stop loss. Now a better way to stop loss is to choose a stop-loss transaction on a price-limited platform, because only a price-limited platform promises no slippage and can really play a stop-loss role. .


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