Mortal raving - 22.8.13 - Whitening and tanning

Chinese people take skin white very seriously~

Holy matters:

Recently, the high temperature weather in various places has struck again. A friend said with a smile that the cicadas on the tree were hoarse, and their voices were split, showing the unbearable heat. This year's autumn tiger is especially fierce. It seems that the momentum will continue for at least a week. It seems that the electricity bill will continue to burn. And at this time, if an altar can be set up to pray for rain, I hope the mages pray for a prolonged rain instead of a torrential rain. Otherwise, a short rain poured down, not only can't relieve the heat, but let everyone sit in a steamer, but it's okay, free sweat steaming and detoxification, and a bicycle.

Because I want to exercise, I take the initiative to ride a bicycle home every day after get off work, and I will find a very interesting scenery along the way. Many men and women will wrap their bodies tightly, wishing they could only show a pair of eyes outside. And I don't know since when, everyone has become popular to wear sunscreen clothing of various lengths and styles. Although I’m a bit straight from the perspective of a straight man, I’m still subjective. It’s estimated that many people wear sunscreen clothes and hats, let alone the actual sunscreen effect – after all, what sunscreen really protects against is not visible light but ultraviolet rays, and more Most of the time, it is the fear of tanning rather than the fear of sunburn, that is, the real motive for sun protection is the consideration of skin color rather than health. This makes me think of another interesting cultural phenomenon, that is, most Chinese people like white and hate black.

The black and white here of course refers to the skin color, as the saying goes: a hundred hides a hundred ugliness. How many people believe it. Including daily life, especially in the dialogue between girls, there is no lack of praise and admiration for the fair complexion of one party. This relatively single value has also given birth to supporting businesses, such as whitening products, medical whitening, sunscreen-related peripherals, etc. I don’t know if this is the result of mutual promotion of capital-taking advantage of the Chinese people’s whitening psychology, take advantage of the trend And for this, and further establish the value of white as beauty. However, after all, it is easier for the public to follow suit and imitate, so this kind of values and aesthetic psychology are further strengthened.

There may be no lack of Chinese people, and the East Asian people should all have this idea and concept. After all, in addition to commercial rendering and guidance, cultural influence may also contribute to the flames. After all, the so-called Western powers are mostly white people, because they are powerful, they will naturally feel that their skin color is superior to others. So under the influence of a single value and the subconscious of advocating the strong, people are bound to believe that white skin means nobility. These multiple factors are intertwined, making people more convinced of the concept of white skin = beauty = foreign style.

Of course, many people in Europe and the United States are now also pursuing a wheat-colored complexion. They want to make their skin darker and feel that the complexion is healthier and more energetic. This kind of behavior, I think in addition to the influence of multiple values, there will also be a mentality of "what you don't have is good". After all, European and American white people are born with white skin, and they will definitely feel The skin tone is mediocre, but if the color is darker, it will reveal more different tastes. This should be somewhat similar to the Chinese people's pursuit of white skin.

Of course, in fact, it is the right and choice of individuals whether to pursue white skin or prefer wheat skin. Others are not qualified to point and point, just be happy. I just hope that everyone will try their best not to be easily biased or brainwashed by commercial propaganda or public opinions. After all, the choice of skin color is a trivial matter, but it involves the individual's ability to identify information and think independently. I think this aspect, on the contrary, will be more important to the individual.

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