[Workplace Ecology] People can't help themselves in the arena, but you don't fight everyone but you fight

When I was younger, I always believed that "I don't commit crimes and people don't commit me". As long as I treat people sincerely in the workplace, do things well, and meet the expectations of the boss, I can live smoothly. Those palace dramas are exaggerated and exaggerated. The plot has nothing to do with me. But after staying in the workplace for a long time, the company has changed several companies and positions, and the closer you get to the core of power, the more you will find out: the truth is really not as simple as a fairy tale world.
You need to practice a copper skin and iron bones to resist foreign aggression
In the workplace, do you have the blood and tears experience of "I just want to do what I need to do, and I never intend to harm others, so I was inexplicably suppressed"? Don't worry, you are not alone.

When I was younger, I always believed that "I don't commit crimes and people don't commit me". As long as I treat people sincerely in the workplace, do things well, and meet the expectations of the boss, I can live smoothly. Those palace dramas are exaggerated and exaggerated. The plot has nothing to do with me. But after staying in the workplace for a long time, the company has changed several companies and positions, and the closer you get to the core of power, the more you will find: the truth is really not as simple as a fairy tale world.

I found that I have been working in the workplace for a long time, because I need to train a copper skin and iron bones to resist external insults , so I am getting better and better at using the left brain, so that my rationality, logical analysis and problem-solving skills can run at the speed of light in the workplace environment. This kind of thing, just leave it to yourself after work.

When it happens that you get overwhelmed by villain colleagues, get credit for incompetent supervisors, and get involved in all kinds of bizarre office politics, it is different from the extremely tangled and overwhelmed in the early years, and now the first thing you will think about is how to protect yourself And eradicating obstacles, I will not hesitate to kill the enemy if I really face the situation that I will be pushed off the cliff and I will die if I don’t do anything.

I remember someone once asked me: "Why do people always want to plot against you in the workplace?" It was said as if I was the biography of Zhen Huan (you thought I was willing, woo woo woo), but it must be said that when I entered the society in my early years At times, this kind of thing is relatively rare, but gradually, if your responsibilities or available resources in the company have a greater influence on others, someone will definitely lose their own interests because of you. Therefore, You will be dealt with, also because you are a coffee , the reason is very simple, your presence threatens the other party, or you are just in the eyes of the other party.

After all, the resources that bosses can use in the workplace are so fixed. Like an administrator who feeds carp, they have some fodder in their hands at regular intervals (freely replace them with customers, resources, salary increases, positions ...) once they are spread out, you won't be able to. Snatching food is starving, and if you observe carefully, the most aggressive ones are always the fattest and strongest (the best resources) carp. , isn't it exactly the same scene? And I found that the more vegan (in vernacular is incompetent, salary thieves) managers, the more they like to fight, and the less effective they are.

Only senior executives need to fight, and it is good to leave it to the grassroots .

Not wanting to fight means giving up seats and resources, and then being labeled as easy to bully. You said that I don't want to have the same knowledge as the villain. I'm sorry. Being plotted by the villain is like you are walking on the road and a bucket of dung water can't help but splash on you. Are you safe? Are you changing your clothes? You don't protest? Good, then they keep throwing you. It is easier to teach a dog to sing than to reason with a villain . When people are in the rivers and lakes, it is indeed so helpless.

Some people may have very Ah Q's thoughts, thinking that if I am kind to others in the workplace and don't show my sharp edges, others will not use me as a target, so the people who will be plotted must be a bad person... ..
Well, then I can only say, dear, you may have never met a bad person. I don't know that even if you simply want to do things well, you may step on the mines of non-doing people. You are happy.

In the final analysis, survival in the workplace must have an individual identity: no matter how you are or how you do things, there will be people who will look at you unpleasantly. , or let you take the blame, and you don't know how you died in the end.

Sometimes when the villain ascends to the sky, the hard-working person is suppressed. No matter whether he is the party or not, the psychology is of course uncomfortable and unfair, but in any case, the person who is honest and honest and pursues excellence in his work will definitely go on for a long time, and it will be more let down. People are truly convinced. Therefore, it is a pity to see someone give up on himself because the company's physique is too poor, or under the attack of the distorted three views. I hope that no matter what the situation is, I will not give up kindness, but I must learn to fight back.

Hello, I'm Elsa Untie. If you like my article, please clap your hands 5 times and leave a message. I look forward to having more exchanges with you in the world of words.

Further reading: Aisha's life research lab


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