Tainan Observation Diary _ soup lover, super capricious, vegetarian shop and ice fruit shop, your toilet!


I lived in Tainan for a month a while ago, let's talk about Tainan.

▍Tainan people really love soup!

When I first came to Tainan, it was the first time I went to a noodle shop to eat. I ordered dry noodles. In addition to a bowl of dry noodles, the boss gave me a bowl of soup. I was so moved~~ Immediately told my friends that I was full of praise for this shop. . I found out later, huh? Many shops will have soup bowls!

Once I asked the owner of a certain store, the owner said, "If you don't give soup, the people of Tainan will get angry!" (laughs)

I just found out that Tainan people really love soup, just like the porridge in the south is different from the porridge in the north. The porridge in the south is simply "soup rice". Half of a large bowl is fresh soup, and the rice is granulated. in soup. I have to say, I quite like this, because I also love soup!

▍The business hours of Tainan people are capricious enough!

I have to say that my life in Tainan was actually quite soft and rotten. I usually get up first, feel the east and west for a while, and don't eat until it's almost 11.12 o'clock. and then? Very few stores are open!

Well, breakfast shops, they open early, and then often only open until 10:30 or 11:00, or close when they're sold out.

Speaking of snack bars, their opening hours are also very strange. Sometimes they are open from the morning until they are sold out (about noon), if they want to open dinner, many of them start selling from 16:30 in the afternoon, or they can directly Get up for supper!

So, what am I going to have for lunch? (collapse)

Every time I look for something to eat on the map, no matter if the keyword I type is breakfast or snack, the result is often - "Huh? It's only open in the afternoon?" "Huh? It's closed."

and! Tainan people seem to love public holidays. They often want to go to a place and find that they are on public holidays! I went out on Monday, and the landlord said that many stores should be closed on Monday. I went out on Tuesday, and the landlord said that many stores should be closed on Tuesday.

Eh~~ I'm very troubled Eh! You are Europeans who don't like work at all!

(Additional/Corrigendum: Many people say that this is really good, I think it may be that I am less able to find restaurants I want to eat like this~~)

▍There are so many delicious vegetarian food in Tainan!

In addition to the three-step small temple and the five-step large temple in Tainan, there are a lot of things on the road!

what is it then? That's it: a vegetarian restaurant!

It was said that my friend's car had a GPS navigation system. At that time, many lotus flowers appeared on the map. When I asked him what it meant, he said, "It means a vegetarian restaurant."

There are really many vegetarian restaurants in Tainan, and many of them are even better than the average ones! A five-star buffet restaurant with seasoning cooking - creamy pumpkin bisque soup, noodles seasoned with Sichuan pepper, moist pancakes or spring rolls wrapped in fresh gherkins and vegetables... oh my god, nutritious and delicious (still cheap).

As for why there are so many vegetarian restaurants here, a friend said to me, "There is a master of Taoism here, and it seems that many people follow him."

Tainan has temples, vegetarians, and masters. It's really a suitable place for cultivation... (Wait, what's the conclusion?)

▍The ice fruit shop is really a famous product in Tainan!

The style of the ice fruit shop is probably that the storefront is filled with a bunch of fruits, and the products that will be provided include fruit cutting plates, freshly squeezed juices, ice and so on.

The ice fruit shop is really rare in the north, and the north will probably be a fruit shop or an ice shop! Later, I found out that there are not many in the south. Kaohsiung is also dominated by frozen ice or snow ice. The ice fruit shop is really a famous product in Tainan!

When I was in Tainan, because the weather was really hot, I went to the ice fruit shop quite often. When I first tried the mixed fruit ice, I was very surprised. I thought it was a refreshing and healthy ice product. I have also seen someone directly ask the boss to cut a plate of seasonal fruits for 200 yuan (this sense of heroism makes me feel that I am ordering fruit at all!) After sitting in the store to eat and chat with everyone, I feel very warm and healthy.

ps. A friend specially recommended something, which is "avocado milk with pudding" . He said that it is rare to drink avocado milk but not pudding in the north.

▍Danzai noodles, zongzi, and porridge that are different from those in the north!

Tainan Danzai noodles turned out to be not the Danzai noodles I had in the north! What I eat in the north is yellow noodles with at most half a marinated egg and a little leek, but authentic Tainan Danzai noodles will add shrimp! The classic and authentic Tainan Danzai noodles configuration is "shrimp, marinated egg, dried pork, and yellow noodles" . The three I have eaten are all like this, and I personally think it is delicious! (Please correct me if I am wrong)

In addition, the zongzi in Tainan are really good~~sticky~~, the southern zongzi and the northern zongzi are not the first time to fight, I have to say that I really...no way...I'm sorry for the southern zongzi.

Then there is the porridge mentioned above. The southern porridge is actually soup rice, which is different from the porridge in the north, which is boiled and softened.

▍The best Japanese food in Tainan is bento?

This is also what my landlord said. There are actually quite a lot of Japanese dishes in Tainan, but the landlord did not recommend us to eat sushi or rice bowls, he recommended: bento! The Japanese-style bento that I have eaten so far is quite powerful. There are fried shrimp, some seaweed dishes, meat, vinegar rice, etc., and it is not expensive. It is about 100 large portions. (But I haven't eaten a few of them.)

▍The toilet of the old house!

Whether it is accommodation or going to the store, so many old houses in Tainan have an interesting phenomenon, that is, "the toilet is outside" or "the toilet is separated from the toilet"! In fact, I am also the same, but there are really many in Tainan, and I see them very often, and I think it is very interesting.

For example, the [Lunch Coffee] toilet is outside the cafe, the [Floating Cafe] toilet is separated from the toilet, and the [A ROOM] toilet is also on the outside terrace (actually quite romantic).

The above is my small observation in Tainan in May.

What other thoughts and observations do you have on Tainan? Welcome to share with me!


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