five minutes of happiness a day

"My Exodus Diary" stills

Although taking a taxi is really expensive, sometimes I choose a taxi to save time.

The economic downturn in recent years, coupled with the outbreak of the epidemic, has made it increasingly difficult for taxi drivers to find customers. I used to be angry with taxi drivers, but now they have become very polite. Sometimes the other party will spit out bitterness after getting in the car, and I am also happy to listen to their complaints. I think this is also a kind of fate, and I can learn more about other people's lives.

A lot of the time I don't need the taxi driver to ask for change.

For me, the three or five yuan is not a large amount, nor is it a large amount for the driver, but when the driver hears the passenger say, "No need for redemption," he will definitely feel better.

If just giving a little bit can make people feel better, why not do it?

The same goes for buying flags on the street.

I used to sell flags when I was in middle school, and I was very depressed all day. When everyone saw me holding that fundraising bag, they would turn their heads (Cantonese teaching: shaking their heads to refuse) or avoid them altogether. After one experience I dare not try again, and secretly decide who will ask me to buy the flag in the future. As long as the organization is worthy of support, I will donate without hesitation. Even if I have already bought it that day, I will buy it when someone asks me, and I buy the flag. It's not change, usually paper money.

Although my donations don't go into the pockets of the person who asked me to buy the flag, they should be more happy when they see someone donating the banknotes, at least that's how I was at that time.

Maybe I can't do big things to change the world, so I can only start in small places, hoping to make others feel better.

In "My Runaway Diary", the heroine mentioned that her way of survival is to save five minutes of happiness every day. Taking the two examples I gave above, not only did I make taxis and flag sellers happy, but because I consciously made others happy, I also got seven or five seconds of happiness myself. Save five minutes of happiness every day, and let yourself continue to survive the hard life.

More little things in life: some life


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