Leave Facebook writing and use wordpress? What is the purpose of your establishment of the media?


It is also interesting to say that Taiwan has taken down many blogging platforms for more than ten years. I thought that "writing writing" would become more and more detached from the life of the new generation. Recently, I began to want to make money from "writing", and then I slowly realized that "showing myself through writing" has never disappeared because of the status of Internet celebrities created by today's videos, videos, and pictures! In this generation, the "word creation" originally published in "blog" has become a new term, called "We Media", and "writing a blog" has become "operating We Media"!

Then, we must start to think about the word "management". What does it mean? Operating means having a little "purpose". Most of them want "traffic" and "income". Few people operate because of "self", but how should "traffic" and "income" be managed? You must have a little "planning" concept, a little "marketing" ability, and a little sensitivity to the market and current events. Otherwise, you must have ideas and eye-catching moves that are different from ordinary creators. Nothing, at least, at least, have a little bit of writing skills!

But what I want to say is not "what ability do you have to build a website and write something you want to write." This thing. Let's go back and read this article I wrote, which inexplicably rushed traffic, but had no income: "The life of receiving a case that can't get off work / 08 Don't just do the things you are interested in, try all the interesting things! You will have more possibilities! > Then think about it: Why do you have to limit yourself even if you want to find a platform to write and write? What is the best way to compare "where to write" like out of the box? Wasn't the initial thought "Facebook is not a good platform for writing text, so I need to find a good place to write"?

Facebook is indeed not a good writing platform. Its function is originally a social tool in interpersonal relationships and a function of communicating with people, and it is not conducive to searching, classifying, and accumulating oneself. But its advantage is that it is easy to find "identification", "affirmation" and sharing functions so that the article can have a certain amount of traffic. Of course, now because of algorithms, big data, and the habit of all people using Facebook, there is a state of "not actually seeing it". External links are even more difficult!

What platform do you use to write (create, express your mood)? Medium, matters, and squares are all platforms that are easy to write and comfortable to read. And using your own wordpress synchronously is the best choice in my opinion!

I switched to my own blog F2blog in 2005, and then switched to wordpress painlessly. But the difference between the self-supported wordpress and other platforms is that there is no traffic and it is difficult to make money, but it can have the master control of the entire website, including independent URLs, spaces, layouts that you like, and other functions. The important thing is that you learn to install, this ability is yours. Maybe you can make some money on this.

As for making money by "creating (text, photography, or video)" and being able to eat, you have to go back to "business". Most of the internet celebrities and youtubers seen on the stage are not "one person" individuals. There may be a marketing team and an agent behind them ( don't King Potter film a company benefit of Juyang Media? ) and want to Devote yourself to these creations, and the "time" may not be what you imagined: spending two hours a day writing an article, spending an hour a day filming... can be achieved.

When you are still thinking about "Which platform should I choose to create?", they are already planning the next video, writing a copy, and contacting the next partner. So, what are you waiting for?

There are only a few celebrities who can stand in front of the crowd. What you have to figure out is not "what do I want to be", "what do I want to get" but "what do I want to do?", "I like this thing?” Then focus and put your heart into it, and have fun doing it!

Go and try all the fun things! You will have more possibilities!

The picture shows 20160602 Moriguchi City, Japan, I went to Japan to live for 30 days alone, it was super fun!


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