Don't do contracts blindly, reasonable control can minimize the risk!


Almost everyone in the currency circle has come into contact with contracts, but they have mixed opinions.

How to reduce their own risk in the contract, I believe most people still do not know very well, otherwise they will not lose money, and then talk about how big the contract risk is. Here we summarize some short-term contract skills for your reference!

(1). To understand technical analysis, because the time for short-term operations is relatively short, contract traders must understand technical analysis, will look at trend lines, use very short-term average lines, and will explain the relationship between price and volume. The rest It mainly depends on the actual situation of the order. Because the digital currency market is ever-changing, we cannot analyze it in detail, but can only analyze it according to an example. Therefore, we need to look at the market index and understand some basic changes in the graph.

(2) If you don’t look at the problem from a technical point of view, then digital currency trading is a probability problem. When we do short-term operations, we might as well consider the probability problem, which may help investors reduce or increase unknowable wealth.

(3) It is necessary to adjust your psychological condition. Short-term operations require investors to enter and exit the market frequently. If your psychological pressure is too large, it will cause you to make a wrong judgment on the development of the market, which will seriously affect your own capital status. will have a negative impact on the transaction.

(4) Short-term operation of contract investment requires better ability to analyze and judge the market compared with long-term operation. Long-term mainly depends on a long-term trend, while short-term needs to grasp the small trend as accurately as possible in the big trend. , focusing on technical analysis methods. These two trading methods, investors should choose according to their own situation.

For short-term speculation contracts, you must move in and out quickly, and set a stop loss level. The specific setting value depends on your personal situation, which can be 3% or 8%. If the currency falls below the stop loss level, you must sell decisively. Don't have any illusions, even if the currency still has the possibility of rising, you should avoid the risk and go out, and operate strictly according to the stop loss level.


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