Hear the little cries and what an organization Atajurt is

Take you to the far-right group Ata-jurt

Atajurt, or Ата-Журт, which means "Motherland" in Kyrgyz, as a nationalist far-right political organization in Kyrgyzstan, once supported Кырк чоро ("Forty Warriors") to beat foreign workers on the streets many times, as well as gay or feminist rights activists, violent attacks on entertainment venues run by foreigners.

“In 2014-2015, Kyrk Choro began to be mentioned frequently in the news[1] in connection with their 'raids' on foreign-owned entertainment venues in the capital. In these raids, they arrested those with overdue possessions Filers and local girls, who they accuse of violating morals[1].”

“Hence, the group became famous after the raid on the Taatan Karaoke Club in Bishkek [3]. On December 28, about 20 men broke into the store, started checking the documents of visitors, and broke into the door and took the inside of the club. of men and women locked in separate rooms[3]”

"When the police arrived, the man claimed to be a member of the group. [3] ... In addition, militants of "Kyrk Choro" carried out a raid among workers on the highway [4] in Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart to investigate Illegal immigrants at an oil refinery named “Junda”. In 2016, representatives of the group tried to evade punishment by acting in their own name on behalf of state agencies, threatening to shut down the power to a boarding house in Lake Issyk-Kul that had no electricity[5] In 2017, representatives of 'Kyrk Choro' intended to strangle a 'dog show' participant for wearing expensive clothing on her dog as a costume contest in a shopping mall in Bishkek a part of,"

“During the Solidarity March in Bishkek, a clash was also associated with 'Kyrk Choro'. On March 8, 2019, the Bishkek Feminist Initiative started a peaceful march against violence against women[6] The march was thwarted by aggressive unknowns in masks and white karpax, apparently among the attackers were men from the "Kyrk Choro" group.[6] The men began to use force against the girls and women who took part in the march.[6 ], but the police detained the participants of the march, not the men who committed the violent act[7].”

Of course, we are now talking about another organization of the same name, " Atajurt Kazakh human rights". But what is the difference?

Many of these videos are still aimed at "invasion of foreign forces" and "defense of the Great Kazakh nation", while others are against foreign vaccines and prevent the Kazakh nation from being enslaved. I believe if it wasn't for the fact that they have been attacked by the Kazakh government, they might have been catching foreigners on the streets and beating them one by one.

And this YouTube video font style, doesn't it feel familiar? (China Uncensored: eh eh eh? This can be copied)

exactly! Defend Greater Kazakhstan! Down with the Zhina invaders! We won again! make China pay! Never get vaccinated!

"Dedicate all my heart and soul to the Kazakh national motherland!"

My dear, I was moved to tears, what an inspiring story.

To tell the truth, I am afraid that it would not be so magical to let Zhihu enter the customs to send Cao Dazuo to open a YouTube channel.


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