Trial Reading: Reflections on "Shadow Spy"


Wrote "Last Night's Curry, Tomorrow's Bread" and "Ripple Night", the screenwriter and husband and wife Mu Panquan,

The latest novel, Shadow Spy, is here.

When I read the introduction copy, I thought it was a thriller story about aliens disguised as earthlings.

After receiving the trial reading of Chapter 6 "Face", it reminded me of the cartoon "Little Atom".

I don't want to lose my child, I want to keep my child by my side forever,

So I ordered a bionic baby from a company that produces robots.

In the future, AI artificial intelligence technology is so advanced that it can make robots that are extremely similar to humans.

Has an appearance that is indistinguishable from humans.

Divorced couples each take a baby,

I just don't know which one is a real person and that one is an android.

The story is about Mi Xiang, a second girl in China, worried to death about her undeveloped body.

All the classmates have entered puberty, only she is still a child,

She found that her mother was more nervous than she was, and observed her body changes at any time.

It made her nervous, and she always paid attention to her mother's actions.

On the day of the end of the semester, my mother asked Mixiang to stay at her father's house for a few days.

The mother's hesitant attitude made Mi Xiang realize that things were not so simple.

Her father revealed the secret that her mother was hiding, but Mixiang fell into trouble.

Mu Panquan describes the distress of adolescent girls and the ups and downs of mood.

When Mixiang's mother offered an exchange to her chosen daughter again, Mixiang's father was furious.

I can't help but wonder if the mother really wants to have children? Or a toy to play with as she pleases?

The author arranged a seemingly perfect ending,

But Mi Xiang's choice is a great courage,

It's not easy to grow up to be the adult that you don't hate the most.

#新雨trial activity

Shadow Spy

Author: Mu Panquan

Translator: Su Weiting

Publisher: Xinyu

Publication date: 2022/08/05


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