Practical English for life | Stop saying "I think"!! Express your thoughts more handsomely💬

When discussing 💬Chinese will say "I think..." "I think..." But speaking "I think..." in English doesn't feel professional enough🧐 Let's learn a few different phrases💕 Let others I heard that you are very handsome too 🤩

When discussing, Chinese will say "I think..." "I think..." 💬

But speaking "I think..." in English doesn't feel professional enough🧐

Come and learn a few different phrases 💕

Let people hear and think you are very handsome🤩

1) In my opinion / In my view…
👉 This is how I see it...

📕Example sentences

In my opinion, the previous proposal seems rather feasible.
I think the former solution is more feasible.

2) From my perspective…
👉 From my point of view…

📕Example sentences

From my perspective, nothing is as important as my family.
I don't think there is anything like my family.

​3) As I see it…
👉 In my opinion…

📕Example sentences

As I see it, he seemed a bit biased against the lecturer.
In my opinion, he has a bit of a prejudice against the lecturer.

4) I reckon…
👉 I think...
👉 more commonly used in informal occasions

📕Example sentences

I reckon we go out for lunch.
I think we can go out for lunch.

5) As far as I know…
👉 As far as I know

📕Example sentences

As far as I know, exercising regularly is beneficial to your health.
As far as I know, regular exercise is good for the body.

6) To be frank…
👉 Be honest, be honest, tell the truth

📕Example sentences

To be frank, I don't really like Jane because he is so bossy.
Frankly, I don't really like Jenny because she's very bossy.

7) With all due respect…

👉 With all due respect 👉 Afraid of offending the other party, I said it respectfully and politely

📕Example sentences

With all due respect, I have the right to request a refund.
With all due respect, I am entitled to a refund.

📕 Express your English in different ways

Not just stop at a single way of speaking👍

Using these expressions in official occasions, such as speeches and conferences, is even more handsome🥰

Come and check it out every Wednesday! 👍

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