Can you release the accelerator first?

There are always people who step on the accelerator but keep thinking about how to steer.

Imagine a driver driving on a slope and the car drifting left and right uncontrollably. You sit in the passenger seat and remind Yi not to drive like this.

The other person said, "Ah, how should I turn the steering wheel?"

"You take off the accelerator first."

The other party became impatient, "So you're telling me how to turn the steering wheel?"

"You take off the accelerator first."

The other party immediately let go of his hand and said, "I'll give you the steering wheel. If you're capable, just drive it."

"Then take your foot off the gas first."

Dialogues with people who hold pre-modern concepts often fall into this situation. In my mind, I have first marked something that is completely unsuitable for modern society as a must-do, and then focused the scope of the problem on methodology. He refuses to stop his hand and give up things that he shouldn't do in the first place.

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