Talk about psychic abilities

I just happened to see an article by an author sharing the classification and definition of psychic abilities. It also reminded me of many personal problems and experiences I have encountered over the years, as well as the questions recently asked by some friends who came to the fan club "May I ask what I should do? Can you open the eyes of the sky, channel spirits, and see ghosts?” This question is very interesting. As a child who has been able to see different dimensions of spiritual bodies, it is a huge problem, but why do some people want to have them the day after tomorrow? 😱

I just happened to see an article by an author sharing the classification and definition of psychic abilities. It also reminded me of many personal problems and experiences I have encountered over the years, as well as the questions recently asked by some friends who came to the fan club "May I ask what I should do? Can you open the eyes of the sky, channel spirits, and see ghosts?”

This question is very interesting. For me, who has been able to see different dimensions of spiritual bodies since I was a child, it is a big problem, but why do some people want to have them? 😱

Before you crave these psychic abilities, carefully assess whether you really want them!

Referring to the classification method of an author on the Internet, I will also share my own personal knowledge and experience!

1. He has telepathy, telepathy, and mind reading

If you read articles and books related to empaths, you will find that this is a trait shared by empaths, and it is also a problem that makes it difficult for empaths to integrate into social groups. For information related to shared feelings, please refer to my previous article (click me)

His ability to understand the heart makes it easy for us to hear the inner voices and thoughts of others, but most people are the voices of the ego, full of criticism, bad words, and negative thoughts. If the mental strength is not strong enough, no one wants to hear it at any time. Other people's criticism, criticism of themselves, especially those voices are irrational, and usually hard to hear.

My biggest trouble since I was a child is that this person in front of me has a kind smile and kind words to me, but his inner voice is full of negative thoughts and criticisms of me personally, or thoughts with bad intentions ( Sexuality or trickery or something), so I rarely get scammed because I know the other person is lying.

However, it has always been difficult to understand the different appearances of people. It was not until I found out that I heard the other person's heart that I gradually let go of this matter. After all, not everyone is the same at all times, and everyone has the right to lie.

If the mind is not firm enough, I think this ability is not suitable for sudden activation. But if we really have this ability, such as empathizing with people, perhaps this is an opportunity for us to practice and learn under this ability.

2. Tianyantong

This is a bit like being able to see the existence of spiritual bodies in different dimensions, or seeing through the structural organs of the human body, and some people can see the color of a person's aura, energy field, etc. In fact, I am not very clear about the actual definition range.

I have been able to see spirits of different dimensions such as the undead, gods, etc. since I was a child, but because it overlapped with the scenes that I saw with the naked eye, I thought everyone could see what I saw when I was a child, so I often terrified my classmates. Crying, or being called to confession in a chapel by a school teacher.... (previously attended Catholic school)

Of course, there will also be undead who find that I can communicate with them, so they come to ask me to help pass messages to relatives, etc., but I was not able to assist them at that time, and they can only follow me all the time, causing me to be in a low frequency In the environment of resonance, autoimmune diseases and depression have accumulated over the years.

If you have studied energy frequency resonance, you know that when a person is under the resonance of a low frequency environment, it will cause physical and mental trauma, and physical and mental trauma will also cause negative low-frequency energy, so a vicious cycle begins, until the whole person dies.. ......

Now I still have this ability, because I have experienced the relationship of near-death experience at birth, but through training, I have transformed this ability into the ability to heal the individual's mind and connect with high-frequency spiritual bodies through the ability of perspective, and ask them to assist in extradition Death and Healing.

However, this ability is not suitable for everyone without certain training and understanding. To have such an ability, it is also necessary to strengthen the mind and ability to cultivate, in order to transform the negative into positive force, and in the process to understand the operation logic of the universe, do not interfere or intervene in any person or thing that does not belong to our ability. .

If you are born with such an ability, practice it!

3. Destiny Pass

This is the ability to see through the past, present, and future destiny of others.

For my current settings, I only spy on the past, present and future of the other party with the permission of the other party when I count the tarot cards, and only remind that the fate is in everyone's own hands, and everyone has the right to make a free decision. , predictions always have the opportunity to change, and I only remind "make this decision may happen in the future", the decision is always in everyone's own hands. Don't say much, don't judge, don't intervene, don't intervene!

Because when I was a child, I could predict the future fate of others in my dreams, especially those related to death, including the death of relatives, friends, and even the death of my favorite idol, but I couldn't do anything! Because the fate of others is not something we can intervene and interfere with, we can only watch it happen. This ability caused me a lot of trouble! So I decided not to receive any more news about this!

The universe has its own logic for its operation, and what should happen must have its own logic. Even if the prying eyes know the future, so what? Some things, I don't know, will be a lot easier. Just follow the arrangement of the universe, keep some surprises, and keep some fun.

Life is to experience the story that the soul has set to experience, so let's go!

The fate of others, if the other party does not agree, do not spy on it at will, it is not good for each other.

4. Psychic

This category is relatively broad, because different dimensions have different spiritualities and spiritual bodies, and there are high-frequency and low-frequency ones. It just depends on what dimension you connect to.

In the past, when I had no choice, I was able to connect to both the undead and the high spirits, but I was still young and did not have the guidance of relevant mentors. Often disturbed by energy shocks, the body and mind are full of trauma.

Until I made up my mind to understand all this, I learned to distinguish between low frequency and high frequency, and I also learned to cultivate the mind and understand the logic of the universe's operation. Only gradually got out of the dark corner and the vicious circle of self-torture.

So, before pursuing spiritual power, first see if this is what you want?

If you don't plan to embark on the path of cultivating your body and mind, you will be very happy to be an ordinary person! In addition, ordinary people can cultivate their body and mind, take good care of their health, feel comfortable and happy in their minds, and do things they are passionate about. This is a life with a balanced body and mind.

If you have been traumatized or damaged in body and mind, or really want to solve the problem that you already have spiritual abilities, based on my personal life experience, I will learn to understand my physique and talent, and transform it into a positive force, so that I can walk in the On the road to body-mind balance!

And my suggestion is: "Read more, meditate more, experience and understand your true self more, knowledge will help you know your true self!"

At least, I gradually understand myself in various professional books! Don't be lazy! Just read the book!

The following articles are shared with you~

Are shamans the same as psychics?

Are you also sensitive?

Practice and ascension are positive, not doing nothing

At what age should practice begin?

Empathy is not a theory, but a real pain

Shaman's Illusion of Distinction

May every friend who explores find his own way of ascension


 Friends who don't believe it after reading it, it doesn't matter, just read it as a story. ^^
I am still practicing in practice, adjusting in collisions, recording experiences and growth, and learning from everyone, everything, the earth, and the universe.
"Teacher, preaching, teaching, and dispelling doubts." Confucius.
Therefore, everything in the universe is my teacher, and I may be the teacher of some people at a certain stage.
I hope my self-talk can also help some friends who have been talking to themselves like me.

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DivinaWF努力研究玄學、修行與宇宙法則的巫醫 共感人+Multipotentialite+網站設計師+健康管理師+薩滿療癒師+女巫+芳療諮詢師+自然療法師 想看不同主題的文章,可以點選「標籤」 目前主題: ✅ 薩滿旅程(旅程故事) ✅ 薩滿(相關知識、技術) ✅ 靈異怪談(鬼故事) ✅ 共感人(共感人相關知識、經驗) ✅ Divina 個人生活(閒聊) 其他 #靈能力 #揚升 都可以看看~
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