[Lazy Bag] How to Participate in the Cheqd Airdrop

If you missed airdrops big or small, don't miss this airdrop!

I believe everyone in Matt City is no stranger to the airdrop of Like coin. Now, there is an airdrop held by Chedq in the Cosmos ecosystem. If you want to know how to participate, just follow the steps below! 👇🏻👇🏻


 The function of Chedq is to build a new business model - a new business model of verifiable credentials. Chedq helps companies create new and innovative business models, ensuring that self-sovereign identities are viable and beneficial services to customers.

4 steps

1. Click on this link - Chedq

After clicking, you will see the following interface, fill in your email and location. If you are from Taiwan, choose Republic of China. If you are from Hong Kong, you will find that Hong Kong is not an option here. Maybe you can only fill in People Republic of China (do not want to violate the National Security Law).


After completing the filling, the interface you get should be like this👇🏻

This proves that you are eligible to participate in the airdrop.

Completed interface

2. Reload the above interface

When you complete step 1., you just reload that page and you can see what she needs. In terms of conditions, there are only 6 (personally think how easy it is, so I recommend everyone to get it)

The six conditions are

1. Follow them on Twitter

2. Join their Telegram group

3. Join the Chedq Discord group

4. Vote for other Cosmos projects/proposals (just choose the one you like)

5. Refer a friend to participate in this airdrop

After completing the above five conditions, you will have the opportunity of airdrop. There are still about 12 days left for this airdrop, so seize the opportunity!

#2 Demonstrated after reloading the interface

Since the first three conditions are quite simple, you only need to click on each condition and it will be completed automatically. So I will skip it here, and if you have any questions, you can leave a message and let me know.

3. Complete 6 conditions

Here I will explain how to vote on Cosmos and get your own Chedq wallet address.

How to vote on Cosmos

First of all, you must have a Keplr wallet, then after you go to Osmosis , you will see the following interface.

Click on the "Vote" button

After seeing it, you can click the "Vote" button to enter another interface, so that you can see different proposals, and you can choose one of them to cast your sacred vote.

Here you can see vote #157 Osmosis v7 Carbon Upgrade being voted on. So I voted for this motion. No Gas Fee is required to vote!!!

Motion #157 Osmosis v7 Carbon Upgrade

How to get Chedq wallet address

I believe this problem will also be difficult for many people, because you will not find it in the Keplr wallet. But don't be afraid, now teach you how to get it!

Go back to Osmosis this time, and click the “Asset” button this time.

Click on the “Asset” button

cheqd- CHEQ- Press the "Deposit" button next to CHEQ

After that, you just need to draw down the mouse and you will find "cheqd- CHEQ" (the quick way is to press "control" + "F" on the keyboard, then type cheqd) and you will find it. When you get to this one, you just need to press the "Deposit" button next to CHEQ, and then Keplr will pop up a small interface asking you whether to approve (Approve) adding the Cheqd wallet address on your Keplr. After you click Allow, go to Keplr to check, and you will find that Chedq blockchain has been added. After copying your Chedq wallet address, click "What is your Chedq address?" on the interface of Chedq, and paste it. Your Chedq wallet address and you're done.

Copy your Chedq wallet address
Paste your Chedq wallet address

4. Introduce a friend to receive the airdrop

The last step is to introduce one of your friends to use your referral link to do the above steps, and the two of you will be able to claim the airdrop. There are still 12 days for you to claim, remember to seize this opportunity! ! !

My referral link is: https://swee.ps/cANbQz_XJebXRZ

Or click this link - Chedq to perform the above steps~

Chedq Official website: https://www.cheqd.io/

Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/cheqd_io/status/1496490328907517953?s=20&t=jDyMDWDniHS60an981nlRQ


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