Investment mentality in the era of virtual currency?

In the age of virtual currency, here are a few things to know

Turn to the text and think for a moment.

In the age of virtual currency, please understand the following:

1. The investment money must be spare money that will not be used in the next few years. The real money is long-term investment. You may make money in the short-term, but how much is the problem.

2. There is a saying that "it's easy to buy coins, but difficult to keep coins". If you have mainstream coins in your hand, don't sell them cheaply!

3. Don't measure the value in the French currency standard, but use the currency standard to measure the value.

Fiat currency standard: If you hold a Bitcoin from 20,000 to 50,000, you think you have earned 30,000. This is the legal currency standard, but note that Bitcoin has not increased.
Currency standard: No matter how much the currency is worth, the amount of currency you hold has been increasing. This is the currency standard, and it is also the way of thinking in the currency circle.

4. The panic index is an objective analysis tool for the market, consisting of: 25% volatility + 25% trading volume + 15% social media + 15% survey + 10% advantage + 10% trend. The index is 1-100 to assess the state of the market. When the index is less than 20, you can consider buying, and when the index is greater than 75, you should consider selling.

5. There is no limit to the rise and fall of the currency circle. It may double today, and it may plummet by 90% tomorrow. Therefore, it is necessary to control the budgetary funds entering a certain project in the currency circle, so that there is still money in the pocket, and there is no panic. If you participate in the cottage project and make a profit, first pay the principal! Out the principal! Out the principal! Use the profits you earn to make more profits! Remember: the mentality of playing with the kid in your pocket is no better than the mentality of playing with profit. Once it rises, get the principal back first!

6. Be sure to diversify investment. Most of the money is invested in mainstream coins and value coins, accounting for about 60%, some investment in ICO\IDO, accounting for about 20%, and a small part of the operating band accounts for about 10%. It is very tiring to do short-term, and at the same time, it is very risky. It is not recommended for people who do not have the time and energy.

7. Don’t chase the ups and downs. Many people like to chase up coins, but they dare not buy down coins. This operation is the dealer’s favorite. When leeks lose the most money, they are in the bull market, not the bear market. Remember not to chase the ups and downs!

8. Newcomers must know that the fluctuation of 10% in the currency circle is called volatility, and the increase of 30% is called rise. There are coins in the market that fluctuate by 50% or even 100% every day. Invest carefully!

9. Whether you are in the currency circle or not, you must study more. If you see an article that you find useful, please like it. What you have learned is the most important thing. Don't look at the currency price every day, karma! All fake! Only after withdrawing cash into the bag is the real earning! Invest in yourself to make money more efficiently!

10. It is rare for retail investors to participate in the primary market, but if you have the opportunity, you must pay attention to the following points:

A: Does the project solve the current problem?

B: Does the project have celebrity and well-known brand platforms;

C: Whether the project has a related website;

D: Don't believe what others say.

Investment is always risky, be cautious when entering the market!


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