you, 10 years.. finally back

冥王 • 第 1 0 號行星
There are always some songs in memory, not updated. Before that, we had a carnival in KTV. Later, I sang it by myself, absolutely loud!

You ask me: why ShitGo?

Random answer to you: Shit is shit, and Go has many explanations.

But.. the reason why I call you that is nothing more than.. your shit is super lucky~

That's it.. ShitGo!!

You just laughed and never refuted me, so you just ShitGo!

You also know that there is a slight homonym to your name.

So~ I and Sony have been calling you ShitGo since then.

Among people, the sudden ShitGo, people are wondering!

Asked: What is ShitGo? ?

We are also very mischievous with our eyes wide open.

Then smiled and answered people: You don't understand!

Hehe~ Only the three of us know the secret of ShitGo~~

2012. 12. 08

you left!

No breathing, no heartbeat, no expression, no temperature, and no eyes were opened.

You are so naughty~~ ! But. . it's really over the top!

On the day I sent you away, I saw a body turned to dust. I . . stunned again!

After that~ a few times you came, the nonsense, the nonsense, the reluctance, the panic...

I can't do much for you!

A classic is still a classic.

your 100th day of rain

I asked Sony for your opinion

Are you unwilling?! Are you unwilling?! Or what else do you wish for?!

Sony and I looked at each other, and without me saying anything, Sony . . said it!

2013 . . May ~ Dreaming of you! You are with a group of people . .

But your eyes sent out a distress signal.

In the middle of the night near 2am.

Sent a few messages and got some responses.

except for one person,

After talking with this person,

For a few days in a row, I still read the classics.

Haven't seen you since then until April 2014 . . .

I'd rather believe~ You have entered this stage of reincarnation.

I would rather believe~ You are no longer floating in that realm.

I'd rather believe~ You will be rescued.

I would rather believe~~

I wish you so much!!

At that time, I watched everyone play this wonderful drama.

Yi Bo Yuntian slapped the table with words of admiration.

after that . .

A satirical black comedy??

I don't understand!

People say I can't let go, how can people understand the revolutionary feelings of the three of us?

Why should I ask the Bodhisattva to let you enter samsara as soon as possible?

Why use the greatest blessings to bless your afterlife?

This kind of injury . . just that people haven't gotten it yet?!

pick you up that day . . or rain

And Sony still asked for your opinion.

Are you unwilling?! Are you unwilling?! Or what else do you wish for?!

Sony and I looked at each other and didn't wait for me to say anything, Sony . . said it anyway!

After all, things need a consummation, but...

Your time is almost up.

But I still believe that you are really good and have a good life!!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2020 . 06

Dreaming of you, or suddenly.

Yours is still the same, and said naughty: I just went on a trip, and I came back.

There is no difference between the dream and the past, but what is your manifestation to me?

2020 . 08

I dreamed of you again, this time with Sony and you.

But you said that you need to buy some items to leave the table first, and make an appointment to meet up.

Finally disappeared.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 0 1 2 - 1 2 - 0 8 hours

out of breath

no heartbeat

The blood also coagulates at that moment

eyes closed

Conspicuous in that paper

no signs of life


And I'm dumbfounded

2 0 2 0 dream of you twice

Are you OK?

I am sometimes good and sometimes not.

. . . . . . . . .

There are always some songs in memory

not updated

Our carnival at KTV before that

Then sing by myself

no sound

8 years, how are you?

Sometimes I'm not good, and sometimes I'm not bad.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Never mention ShitGo.


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冥王 • 第 1 0 號行星詩句 • 文字 • 手寫 • 攝影 • 音樂
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