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Not long ago, we would discuss with our relatives and colleagues if we had an opinion on something, and complained to our friends when we were angry. now what? With the rapid development of the Internet, social networking sites have fully invaded human life. Discussion areas, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Weibo, Moments... Everyone can easily express opinions, share life moments, and conduct online public trials.

It's really easy, but it's just beating on the keyboard, so everyone is scrambling to speak. When encountering a hot topic in society, of course, you have to forward, share, and leave a message, otherwise, why would you have a sense of existence? When injustice is discovered, the moral judge immediately put on his body, took pictures and posted them on social networking sites to denounce them.

Don't give up your seat when you play with your phone, damn it. The restaurant staff has a bad attitude and is angry. It is an unforgivable sin for the clerk to place easily broken items within the reach of children.

Once they entered the online public trial, many people suddenly lost their rationality and calmness. Across the screen, I thought I was standing on the safety line, and I said, I can't think of it, I refer to other people's comments, and then express my different opinions to make myself happy. Some people criticize strangers they don't know in order to be happy for a while.

It is sad that Taiwan's "Little Bulb" was brutally murdered many years ago, but the mother who lost her daughter's rationality and strength was questioned as being too calm. Her emphasis on great love was regarded as hypocritical, and some even suspected that she did not stand up to save her daughter. I just don't want this kid. How cool is this person to say such nonsense and cruel words?

Everyone has the right to speak, but it does not mean that we can make judgments, especially when we cannot grasp the truth at all, nor have we experienced the mental process of the person concerned. Instead of making some irresponsible remarks, keep silent.

Many years ago, I saw a movie "Charcoal Burning Curse", which was produced in Hong Kong. The movie was not very good, but for many years I have always remembered that the reason why the ghosts came to ask for their lives is that the protagonists refer to the deceased's suicide as "resistance to death" when reading the newspaper news ( This is Cantonese, and in written language it means "deserving"). A joke is enough to cause death.

In reality, there are probably no grievances who see the comments and then ask for their lives, but we don't know how much damage a whim message can cause to others, or even lead to death.

Be careful in words and deeds, good and evil are only in one thought.


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