Perth Diary Day 92: When the environment is extremely bad, whether to fight or flee

Recently, a friend mentioned a name in my reply: Zhang Beihai. I searched for it out of curiosity, and was filled with emotion.

I haven't read the story of "Three-Body Problem" until a friend mentioned the name. Because the book is too long, after listening to the explanation for more than an hour, I probably have a superficial understanding of this character.

When the enemy is extremely powerful, whether to fight or flee.

If I know the result of hitting the stone with an egg, I still need to try it. The answer to this question is very contradictory.

When I was young, around the age of 17-22, I was a man, and the mentality that I would rather not bend may come from the influence of the military qualities of my family of origin.

But after witnessing my father's tragic ending, my mentality began to have a huge change. Is this ending worth it? My father should have deserved a better life ending. The indignation at my father's worthlessness was the source that stimulated me to break through everything. power.

This drive gave me the most important courage.

Why overseas, some people express strong hostility to new immigrants, the reason is very simple, if you live in a small town for generations, you can easily get good jobs and pay, and suddenly a group of desperate Saburos came. Work extremely hard, and even have excellent personality characteristics, which squeezed your original job opportunities. You can't compete with them at all. Do you hate them? Behind this behavior is low self-esteem, and it is caused by not looking for problems from yourself. Such people It's everywhere, and you're bound to encounter it, but don't elevate it to racism.

It seems to be far away, but it is related. In my opinion, people who are willing to leave, as long as they do not have excellent job opportunities, especially those who see through the essence like me and do not have good wealth accumulation, must be full of Crowds of courage willing to start over.

It's a bit like screening for those who advocate escaping. Not everyone can be selected. Only when you have the courage to start your life again will you be selected.

From the perspective of the long-term continuation of the race, it has practical significance.

In addition, back to the topic, when the enemy is very strong, whether to fight or to flee, I express great admiration for those who choose to fight. We need such people, just like Nobel Peace Prize winners who choose to resist in prison. It is the tragic force that supports it.

But from a personal point of view, a person's life is precious, limited and unique. We deserve a better life. When we truly feel the happiness of life, we will have greater power, just like a fire, and it will become a raging fire in the future. The return of time may be my choice.

Most of my friends who still follow me, if you agree with my three views, you have to stick to yourself, not everyone can survive the cleaning of the three views.

But to be picked, you need to force yourself to have the courage to start over.

Maybe you don't necessarily understand what I'm talking about, like when I just decided to leave, I was just surrounded by pessimism, disappointment, even despair, but with the sublimation of thinking, I have started to have other thoughts about this kind of thinking Opinion, compared to preferring to bend and not bend, considering the overall situation, perhaps hiding wood in the forest has a more overall view and threat, and, after various cleanings without compromise, we also deserve a better future, right?

I come from the same grassroots background. I have the same conditions as most people, and even not as good as most readers. Some people may say that I have a master's degree in 985, but I chose to become a free diving instructor and the gardening I am doing is not useful. This condition, my savings is not even enough to buy a house in China, I just have the courage that you do not have, this is the most important feature of being selected, and you can give yourself this feature.

Many people have repeatedly asked me if I can stay, but I don't know, I only know that it's a matter of human beings. If others can stay, it doesn't mean you can. If others can't stay, it doesn't mean you can't stay, so don't ask me any more questions like this. .

If you're a true patriot, I think it's probably more important to keep alive, especially if you only have one precious life of your own, when you become stronger inside one day, you'll also play a stronger role, an inner feeling A person who is not happy cannot do it.

I saw in another reply: You can't compare to Zhang Beihai, yes, I can't compare to him, but a character who lives in a novel can't compare to me in reality.

The greatest thing about life is the infinite possibilities. Only when you truly understand the infinite potential of life will you regret that other lives are locked in cages like I do.

I really love our nation and our past history, but culture, I don’t know, I don’t know whether the cultural tradition that suppresses individual growth is worth admiring, I hope our nation will not be washed away by the long river of history Disappeared, it is not that such a thing did not happen, there are many ancient peoples in history that have disappeared.

If you were standing in a three-body environment, and you asked me whether to fight or flee, I would make the same decision as Zhang Beihai. In my opinion, this is not escaping. This is another move that requires more forbearance for the sake of the overall situation. This warship can escape, and it also requires the unanimous choice of the entire crew. This is also another screening of the crew. , the condition is courage.

When I said 'all the same' to Zhang Beihai, I also understood, because his thoughts have been extended to others. This is the greatest part of education. You can't live forever, but your thoughts can.

I have said a lot, and finally I just want to say that you, who agree with my three views, deserve a better life. When your life becomes better, if you remember your original intention today, you will be the spark of the nation, no matter what you are where, remember your mission.

Don't complain, let yourself be strong first, especially courage.


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自由潜水教练olivier毕业于985计算机硕士,30岁后放下国内的所有,追求自由的新人生,思想于04年翻墙,肉身在18年才跟上了思想的步伐。曾在菲律宾教授自由潜,独居在malapascua岛的两年获得了思想的升华,目前移居在西澳大利亚perth。 希望通过分享我自身在自我流放中的感悟,带给他人更多的思考。 所有未注明出处的文章均为原创,谢绝私自转载。 本平台文章包括我自己的微信公众平台文章的备份以及审核不过的文章。
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