[NFT] 3 firsts for me and NFT: I became a Travellogger! How to choose high-quality NFT?


Recently, the metaverse and blockchain have become a hot topic around the world. Even Facebook said that it will change its name to Meta (a bit dumbfounded...), of course I want to join this trend. In fact, starting this year, I have been exposed to more about encryption step by step. Currency investment, from the most basic Kikitrade account opening to purely buying and selling cryptocurrencies, to opening a Binance account and Metamask wallet , participating in some liquidity mining and mining pools in PancakeSwap , and then trying NFT . Here I will share with you about the "3 firsts" between me and NFT.

The first NFT to try to buy

The first NFT I want to buy is a project called MekaVerse in October. Among the many NFTs, why do I want to buy this NFT? In fact, the popularity and appreciation potential of NFT can be inferred from the number of followers/members of its official Discord, Twitter and other accounts, as well as the total circulation of NFT, and the circulation of MekaVerse is 8888. It was on Discord before the sale. The number of members broke through 100,000, which seems to be a record high of the number of followers before the NFT sale, and then broke through 200,000! Therefore, this NFT has a great chance to appreciate greatly, and the official is not selling it in the form of a whitelist this time, but in the form of random sampling. Everyone has the opportunity to buy it. The price of each NFT is 0.2 ETH (last month's price). The value is about HK$5600), each person can draw up to two, I think everyone will choose to buy two, so I used about HK$13,400 to buy 0.5 ETH to draw, and an extra 0.1 ETH for gas fee , as long as you have 0.4 ETH in the Ethereum wallet, you can register on its official website, and the result will be announced one day later. In the end, I was not so lucky, I couldn't draw... But I saw someone who drew all-golden ones. I heard that there are only 18 out of 8888 all-golden ones, which are very precious! Someone even offered 28 ETH and he didn't sell it, which is equivalent to 800,000 Hong Kong dollars! Omg, going from 0.2 ETH to 28 ETH is a 140x increase! After the sale, you can almost buy a house and pay the down payment! The ordinary version of NFT can be sold for 3 ETH at the cheapest, with a 15-fold increase, which is also very good. And because I didn't win the lottery, the 0.5 ETH was left in the wallet, but ETH has risen sharply this month, and my 0.5 ETH has also appreciated by more than 4,000 Hong Kong dollars. Haha, I can't imagine that I can make money even if I don't win the lottery.

This one is worth more than 28 ETH

The first NFT to get

At the end of October, in Matters, I saw the article about casting NFT teaching by herself in @Kitty Travel [Erica] , and she also sent 50 NFTs she made by herself . Of course, I immediately left a message to receive it! She is so enthusiastic, NFT is also very cute, it is a cat and LikeCoin, very interesting! And this is also the first NFT in my life , and it also allows me to actually operate it, check my own NFT in OpenSea, and thank you again @cat traveling[Erica].

The first NFT to spend money

Until November 2, I saw the official bulletin of Matters. Matters will issue NFT: Traveloggers . There are 1500 in total. The first 300 will be pre-sold on November 5. I will use ETH to buy it. There is 0.5 ETH in the wallet, and the price is very affordable, each only costs 0.03 ETH , of course I want to buy one to support Matters! At 12:00 on November 5th, I prepared my Metamask wallet and connected it to the official website. I bought it after that, but the gas fee for transactions on Ethereum is really expensive. NFT is 0.03 ETH, but the gas fee is 0.02 ETH! do not care! Since I decided to buy it, just buy it. Anyway, the appreciation of ETH also made a profit. As a result, the price + gas fee is 0.043 ETH, which is about HK$1600. I finally got it, and this is the first NFT I bought with money , so I probably won't sell it. Matt citizens who cannot be bought can also register for airdrops from November 5th to 11th. The official reserved 300 free airdrops for Matt citizens. After registration, the results will be announced on November 12th. Just yesterday I connected Opensea with my wallet, ah! I was hit by an airdrop! So happy, it feels like a buy one get one free! There is also a Travelloggers badge next to my Matters account , and the Travelloggers are all so cute. Although I can't win the Yury I want most, it is also very good! Finally I decided to give one of them to my wife, one for each person. The remaining Travelloggers will go on sale at OpenSea at noon on November 15th.

My two Travelloggers, cute, right?

In the past few months, playing with blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFT and other projects has not only brought me some pocket money, but also learned a lot of operations and knowledge of cryptocurrency and the concept of traditional investment. It brought a new shock. It turns out that there is an investment product that can appreciate hundreds of times at once . If I haven’t touched it, maybe I will say that these are all scams like my dad, and I don’t believe in the value of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. So if you still don’t believe that blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs are valuable things, I suggest that you first get in touch, learn and understand the relevant knowledge, and then decide whether these things are just scams.


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橄欖泥一個平凡的香港"中佬",興趣是省錢、健身、唱歌、吃喝玩樂。曾經到澳洲working holiday生活兩年,遇上了現任的台灣太太,從此生活變得不平凡。 我經營的部落格: https://gosaverhk.com/ 我的Facebook個人専頁: https://www.facebook.com/olivemudhk/
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