A must-see for online shoppers! How to distinguish hyperreal phone scams? When a well-known e-commerce company calls to tell you that there is a problem with the checkout process

Some well-known e-commerce platforms have experienced many fraudulent installment cancellations this year. In less than half a year, 192 people have been defrauded, and the loss amounted to nearly 30 million. Can't even the large e-commerce platforms be trusted? Let the anti-fraud experts tell you the words of online shopping phone fraud today, and jointly fight against phone fraud!

Online shopping scams are not only found in private stores or unknown online shopping. Recently, large-scale e-commerce platforms have begun to leak personal information, causing consumers to receive phone scams from fake e-commerce platforms after online shopping, telling you that the checkout process is out of order. If there is a problem, you need your assistance to "Cancel Repeat Purchase" or "Cancel Installment Payment". Many people will misunderstand that the other party is really from the e-commerce platform because the other party clearly provides your shopping items, and follow the other party's instructions to "operate ATM or online banking", thinking that they are canceling the installment payment, but in fact it is Sending money to scam syndicates!

Recent phone scams in high-risk stores

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The above are just the stores that have been reported by many people to be faked as phone scams recently. The Police Department of the Ministry of the Interior will update the public notification of stores that have been faked by phone scams. It is recommended that people who are accustomed to online shopping can pay more attention to their websites and be alert at any time.

In addition, there are other one-page scams or scammers buried in e-commerce platforms . Everyone should be careful before and after shopping to avoid being scammed.

Online Shopping Phone Fraud SOP

Online shopping phone scam Step1. Fake store customer service calls

"I am the customer service of the *** store. Have you purchased any *** products recently?"

In order to convince you, the other party may even say your ID number or birthday to check with you

Next, the other party will begin to explain that there is a problem with the system or the order, which may cause you to automatically repeat the purchase every month, or accidentally set the payment in installments. You need to provide your existing bank account, and check the customer service number of the bank with you. Your store will fax the application you want to modify to the bank, and the other party will assist you in solving the checkout problem

Suppose you pay cash on delivery and do not keep your bank account information on the e-commerce platform, the other party may use the reason that "the store has cooperated with the government and banks and can directly obtain the consumer's bank information" as an excuse to make you panic and be deceived

  • Bank account is personal data, how can it be obtained without your consent
  • Any e-commerce platform and online shopping will not inform you that there is a problem with the checkout process after the payment has been completed

Online shopping phone scam Step2. Fake bank calls

Notice! ! ! The gangster can tamper with the phone number for the bank's customer service, making you mistakenly think it is the bank

The other party will first confirm with you the amount you want to modify, and guide you to check the balance in the online bank or ATM to confirm whether the money has been debited by mistake. After confirming the balance, it will ask you to follow the instructions to cancel the payment.

  • If it was a real bank, why would it need you to tell him if you have been debited recently and your balance?
  • Although the phone number is the same, there are multiple "+" or "080" and other overseas phone numbers in front of the number.
  • The voice of the other party is suspected to be non-local
  • Don't hang up the phone during the other party's request, even if you are walking to the ATM (I'm afraid you will run away or go to the police)
  • If it is operated in a convenience store ATM, the other party may ask you to leave the convenience store and he will tell you what to do later (at first glance, it is a guilty conscience!!!)

Online Shopping Phone Fraud Step3. ATM or Internet Banking Operation

If it is an ATM operation , he will tell you that you need to enter the English operation screen to cancel the business, and give you a set of transfer account codes (in fact, this is the bank code and account number) of the purchased items, and then will give you a set of verification codes **** *You need to enter (actually the amount of remittance)

After the input is completed, he will ask you to press confirm three times quickly (in fact, it is to make you so fast that you cannot see "whether to confirm the remittance")

If it is an online banking operation , the other party will also instruct you to do a test related to "termination of payment" and give you a "password to stop payment"

Then you will find that you have less money....

When you ask him in horror how your money has become less! ! He will pretend he doesn't know and ask if you have another card, and then he will exchange money to defraud your other card.

Practical case: case sharing on Donghai alumni website

  • ATM can only be used for "balance inquiry" and simple "remittance deposit function", and does not have functions such as "verification of identity" and "unset"
  • After the end, the other party will ask to tear up the details and throw them into the post office bucket (for fear that you will sue him later)

How to prevent online shopping phone scams

  • Do not answer unknown calls or numbers with "+" in front of them
  • Confirm with the store, bank or even 165 yourself
  • Don't do the ATM or Internet banking operations that others have instructed to "Remove Settings", "Cancel Repeat Purchases"...
  • If the criminal has given the serial number to be entered, he can write it down and call the 165 anti-fraud hotline to report to the police to freeze the account
Think about it carefully if you use ATM or online banking to "verify identity" and "release payment", then we usually forget the online banking password, and the account is stolen and brushed, so we shouldn't have to go to the bank to handle it! ! is not it! ! ! ! Don't believe the other party just because they know your personal information. It is very likely that your personal information has been leaked. Therefore, it may not be a real store or bank for phone scammers to steal your information.

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