【Life on the Construction Site】Information that construction plants must provide to steel bar picking

Mr. Engineer工程先生

Picking up steel bars is a very brain-burning process. What is the length of the lap joint? What is the stretch length? A beam or reinforcement? How to pick up the least types of materials? How many backbones do you need? How much work muscle? How many open reinforcement bars? These all need to be considered.

And it is not purely for building drawings and structural drawings, there is a way to pick them up. The construction method and construction sequence will not be displayed on these two drawings. What information should the builder provide to the steel pickers?

1. Information provided to picking materials

The situation today is that, taking the raft foundation as an example, in the basement part, the information to be provided is as follows:

  • Architectural drawings, structural drawings
  • pouring elevation
  • Feeding port location
  • Other matters that need to be revised due to conflicting drawings

1. Architectural drawings, structural drawings

It should go without saying that the most important thing to add reinforcement is to look at the structural drawing, including the standard drawing in the structural drawing. , In fact, the picker must have it, and he can pick it up without giving it to him.

But I couldn't figure out what to do with the architectural drawings at first? Again there is no structure number.

It's like this, some partition walls may be made of RC, which will not be displayed on the structural drawing, because the walls on the structural drawing usually have the effect of shear resistance, so they will be marked on the structural drawing.

On some drawings that are not clearly marked by the architects, the construction plant may decide on the material of the compartment, but pay attention to the load. The design load of the floor plan will be marked on the structural drawing. You can't use RC for all the convenience. As a result, the floor cannot be loaded, and you have to be responsible for the problem.

The unit weight of reinforced concrete is 2.4t/m3. You can calculate the weight of the wall by yourself, and then remove the contact area at the bottom to calculate the stress.

In short, don't be very happy to replace all of them with RC walls. The higher the floor, the less you can do this kind of thing. The general principle is this.

2. Pouring elevation

If the height of the basement is special, it will not be filled on the first floor and the first floor. The so-called special refers to being relatively high; in addition, at the location of the unearthed surface, that is, from the ground floor to the first floor, there will be a half wall , All these must be told to the picker how high you need to fill at a time, so that he has a way to know how long the rebar will be picked up.

In terms of the reserved length of the wall bars, it depends on the lap length. The wall bars belong to the non-top-layer steel bars, usually #3 or #4, so the standard drawing can see how much more to reserve by looking at the lap length of the non-top-layer bars. , For the method of reading the picture, please refer to this article: [Life on the Construction Site] How to memorize the lap length and steel bar picking ❘ Specifications for each steel bar .

3. The location of the feeding port

The material referred to as "material" refers to the formwork. Places such as raft foundation pits are likely to be sealed in the future. If they have functions, such as fire pools, rainwater pools, and sewage pools, there may be original If there are openings, there is no need to leave a special feed opening, but, this is, but there will never be openings in every pit.

The size of the feeding port, according to the answer I asked from the template manufacturer, is 72*60cm. I think it will affect the structure no matter where it is left. At present, I think the best position is in the middle of the short side.

Most of the current openings are left in the corners. If you look at the standard drawing of the steel bar at that location, you will know that it needs special reinforcement, so I personally think that it is not suitable to leave the corners.

↑Picture 1: The opening is in the middle of the short side

4. Other matters that need to be revised due to conflicting drawings

To know whether there is any conflict between the drawings, clearing the drawings is the most important step. In addition, the pickers often find problems with the drawings, such as the high and low beams are no longer on the same plane and cannot be connected, or the column position of the building structure drawing is not correct. The same wait, these need to ask the architect to clear up the doubts and then reply, not the construction factory can handle it alone.

Of course, the construction plant may also have the ability to adjust the drawings. After all, it is necessary to draw construction drawings, but there is no architect and structural technician to sign the changed drawings, and the license cannot be applied for, so they still have to trouble them to deal with this part. .

2. Conclusion

Today's article is relatively short, and it is a record of my recent work experience. Later, when I encounter other basic forms of picking up steel bars, I will share what information needs to be provided to the pickers.

I'm Mr. Engineering, a little engineer working in the construction industry. Construction industry is an industry with very closed information. Most of all experience can only be passed down by the industry. I hope to do my best to share the knowledge and life of the industry with everyone. If you have any questions about the content of the article, please let me know by leaving a message below. If this article can help you answer, please help me clap five times.

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Link to the original text Mr. Engineer


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