[Food Notes] Tiramisu

Another indolence attack><I often buy a box of ice at home and store it in the freezer, it’s delicious

Tiramisu Chengde Store

Address: No. 55, Section 1, Chengde Road, Datong District, Taipei City, 103 Tel: 02-25586758
Fax: 02-25586708

Internal use low sales 50 yuan

Ordered two slices of cake and a drink

The price of the inner cake, a slice of Tiramisu cake is $25, and a slice of Japanese light cheesecake is $25

Drinks ordered fresh milk tea, a glass of $55

There are not many seats inside, but the meals are exquisite and delicious

Tiramisu can be ordered first or delivered at home!

Because the price of imported raw materials fluctuates, so the price will increase

Until 8/1, it is still $240, and then the price will increase to $260



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