【7 insights from a16z 2022 Crypto Status Analysis Report】


Today, I saw Kordan shared a16z (one of the top venture capitalists in Silicon Valley) this year’s annual report, which contains a lot of data showing that the Crypto industry is booming, so I read the 50-page slide and recorded some key points.

1. The crypto industry will show a trend of exponential growth in 2021. Regardless of the total market value, the activity of developers and startups, and the activity of social media, the growth rate will more than double compared to 2020.
2. The current crypto market will go through a bear market period for a while, but this will be the time to test the builder to build a good project.

The Internet bubble of the 2000s caused many potential investors and entrepreneurs to give up, but they missed the best opportunity now: cloud computing, social networking, smartphones, etc. are still booming today.

Should take advantage of a bear market period to think about what will be the next web3 success?

3. Compared with web2, web3 is much friendlier to creators.

Opensea only charges creators 2.5% tax. In comparison, Youtube takes 45% of the profit. FB and IG will not even give you a dime.

In mid-2021, Opensea pays an average of $170,000 per creator in the secondary market, while Spotify only pays $636 per creator, and FB even pays only $0.1 per person.

4. The real-world influence of cryptocurrencies is increasing dramatically.

The total lock-up value of Defi ranks among the total assets managed by the world's top 31 banks, and this accumulation has not exceeded 10 years.

The financial system of the Third World will change drastically in the future. More than 1.7 billion people are unbanked, yet 1 billion have mobile phones. Cryptocurrencies provide their assets with liquidity and anti-inflation tools.

In the Ukrainian-Russian war, we can see that cryptocurrencies act as donations, and even people can’t get the money from the bank and have to exchange them for cryptocurrencies to leave their homes, which means that there are more new uses for cryptocurrencies that banks cannot do.

5. Web3 is still early.

Ethereum today has an estimated 7-50 million active users. This compares to the early days of the commercial Internet around 1995. It reached 1 billion users in 2005, when FB and Youtube were just about to take off.

At this rate of growth, web3 may reach 1 billion users in 2031; is it too early?

6. The super competitiveness of Ethereum

Ethereum has nearly 4,000 active developers per month, which is a big gap compared to the second solana's 1,000, because of the early start of Eth and the health of the community. However, the high fees of Ethereum are still a concern, so the rollups solution of layer2 will be a major focus in 2022.

Optimistic Rollups is currently the most popular layer2 technology, and ZK Rollups is just about to start; pay more attention to these technical projects that can reduce Ethereum fees.

7. The worldwide gaming market is highly correlated with Crypto.

20% of NFT transaction volume is related to game assets; 49% of cryptocurrency wallet activity is related to games; the future growth of cryptocurrency will be highly related to game growth.


Judging by a16z's state of the market report, web3 is still in very early stages. We have no way of knowing whether it will be successful or not, but we can try to find opportunities. Remember: Risk management comes first!

Source: https://a16zcrypto.com/state-of-crypto-report-a16z-2022/


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